When Carriers Win, Shippers Win

May 7, 2019

Trucking is the undisputed backbone of the American economy—the $700 billion industry1
movesnearly 70% of the country’s freight tonnage2, and for financial experts, it’s a leading indicator of the country’s economic health. The baseline assumption has long been the same: if trucks are moving more freight, companies are producing more goods, and consumers have more spending power.


ACE - Africa Courier Express

ACE is an indigenous African enterprise, delivering world-class logistics solutions to both businesses and consumers. Founded in 2013, Africa Courier Express (ACE) is currently in 5 cities in Nigeria and expanding rapidly. ACE has partnered with major e-Commerce retailers to offer affordable and reliable movement of consumer packages across Africa. Our technology-enabled logistics solutions, anchored by a first-class customer service team and dedicated riders, create a seamless customer experience for both retailers and customers.

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A Partnership of Trust: Dell Supply Chain Security

whitePaper | May 23, 2022

Information technology is creating a more connected world, and our dependence on technology for all aspects of our lives continues to increase. However, the advanced technology and sophisticated logistics networks that support this connectivity are facing unprecedented attacks, which risk undermining the trust on which growth, prosperity, and international relations rest. Complicating matters further, the complexity, sophistication and potential impact of attacks also have increased substantially over time.

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Turning Information Delivery into a Strategic Advantage

whitePaper | January 20, 2023

Delivering information via standard or overnight postal services or manual fax has substantial shortcomings. Manual processes are costly. In large organizations, the volume is hugethousands to hundreds of thousands of documents per month. Mailing them costs $1.20 or more per document (printing, postage and labor), while automated faxing costs $0.10 per document (figures based on US dollars.

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4 reasons why AI is key to smarter fleet management

whitePaper | October 2, 2022

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are leading the way to a smarter world, and the motoring industry is embracing it with open arms. If you’re a regular reader of the , you are likely aware of the impact AI and Virtual Intelligence (VI) have on the motoring insurance sector, but it doesn't stop there.

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whitePaper | August 1, 2022

The relationship of Oracle Corporation and SAP SE has been and is based on a long history, a rich heritage of joint developments and a bright future – for the benefit of our mutual customers. Both companies have had an ongoing commitment to our tens of thousands of joint customers for over 30 years.

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Charging Solutions For Battery Electric Trucks

whitePaper | December 22, 2022

The battery-electric truck market is at an early stage, with fewer than 60,000 units in circulation worldwide, including approximately 20,000 units sold in 2021. Ninety percent of these were sold in China, and most were on the lighter side of the category, between 3.5 and 8 tons. However, significant growth in the market is expected in the coming years as more governments and truck manufacturers set combustion engine truck sales phase-out targets, more models become available, and production capacity is increased. A robust charging infrastructure ecosystem, along with sufficient grid capacity, must be deployed early enough not to impede the growth of the electric vehicle fleet.

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Need for due diligence in assessing supply chain substance

whitePaper | February 1, 2020

Demonstrating compliance for a variety of regulations and requirements can be a relatively challenging process. It usually begins with data collection, followed by a comparison against regulatory and industry requirements before companies conduct an assessment using comprehensive test and analytical protocols. However, substance regulations do not typically reference comprehensive and standardized testing protocols explicitly, which poses additional challenges and requirements for manufacturers and their downstream partners.

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ACE - Africa Courier Express

ACE is an indigenous African enterprise, delivering world-class logistics solutions to both businesses and consumers. Founded in 2013, Africa Courier Express (ACE) is currently in 5 cities in Nigeria and expanding rapidly. ACE has partnered with major e-Commerce retailers to offer affordable and reliable movement of consumer packages across Africa. Our technology-enabled logistics solutions, anchored by a first-class customer service team and dedicated riders, create a seamless customer experience for both retailers and customers.
