
Smart highways reduce congestion and save lives

July 14, 2022

Smart highways reduce
The good news is that developments in ITS, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advances in exciting areas such as driverless cars and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication will help alleviate congestion, reduce accidents and increase safety. As states struggle to balance funding priorities, including transportation, ITS technology and the emerging IoT ecosystem can enhance investments in transportation infrastructure, which is critical to the economic and social
fabric of the U.S. and safe travel. For example, active traffic management, which includes advance notice about traffic conditions to motorists using variable speed limits, lane management signs and overhead message signs, has reduced collisions and congestion in the Seattle I-5 corridor. Similar initiatives are emerging elsewhere. Around the world the ITS ecosystem is making a difference.


Insource Performance Solutions, LLC

Insource provides manufacturing and distribution operations with a superior alternative to temporary staffing. By aligning our performance pricing and incentive pay plans with their operational goals, our customers enjoy the flexibility and risk management received with temporary labor, but with a partner that is accountable for increasing throughput, improving quality, and reducing cost.

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Beneficial Transportation: How Vehicle-Grid Integration Makes Fleet Electrification a Win-Win

whitePaper | April 23, 2022

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption amongst public and private fleets increases, meeting the energy needs of these vehicles with clean electricity is imperative to the transition to a carbon-free future. Because of the variable and intermittent nature of renewable energy technologies, energy storage will be essential. Today’s grid has been built on the concept of constantly available, stand-by power; tomorrow’s grid must capture and store energy when the sun doesn’t shine or when the wind is still.

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Practical Guide to Warehouse Optimisation

whitePaper | January 27, 2020

Why do you need to optimise your warehouse? A lean and efficient business starts in your warehouse. Optimising your warehouse helps you provide your customers with a seamless service experience, reduce your operating expenses, increase your revenue and working capital. In today’s highly competitive, global market, you’re not only competing with local suppliers, but with huge global organisations making it even more important to ensure your warehouse is optimised to ensure you delight your customers each and every time they place an order with your organisation.

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Sorting Out Sortation Where and Why Automated Sortation Is Applied

whitePaper | August 23, 2022

With increasing labor costs and supply chain pressures for faster and more accurate and responsive operations, automated sortation systems are finding their way into more and more supply chains, delivering productivity, throughput capacity, accuracy, and accountability for businesses, and a cost effective and efficient flow of goods to consumers. Anyone who has received a parcel delivery, purchased grocery items from a supermarket or ordered a book or DVD online, you will have come into contact with goods that have been handled by an automated sortation system at some stage. And this may have occurred multiple times as the goods made their way through the supply chain to your doorstep

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Safety in Logistics Operations

whitePaper | February 10, 2022

In logistics operations, the commitment to safety is all too often like the half-hearted embrace we give to an older aunt we occasionally see at family gatherings. We do it because we have to and it’s expected. But we’re not giving safety the full-on bear hug it deserves.

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whitePaper | July 29, 2022

The adoption of the “Initial International Maritime Organization (IMO) Strategy on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships” by IMO Resolution MEPC.304(72) in April 2018 demonstrates IMO’s commitment to support the Paris Agreement. The IMO strategy includes initial targets to reduce (as compared to 2008 levels) the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per “transport work” by at least 40 percent by 2030, aiming to pursue 70 percent reduction by 2050; and an ambition to reduce the total annual GHG emissions from shipping by at least 50 percent by 2050. Technical approaches, operational approaches and alternative fuels may be used to achieve these goals.

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Future Transport Strategy

whitePaper | September 30, 2022

We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways on which we build infrastructure, deliver projects and serve Transport’s customers and are grateful to Elders past and present for their continual leadership. Transport acknowledges for tens of thousands of years the continuous deep relationship and connections of Aboriginal people to their land, language, song, dance, art and story. Transport pays respect to those ancestors who defended, walked and managed these lands for many generations before us and who have left a legacy of strong cultural wisdom and knowledge embedded within Country today

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Insource Performance Solutions, LLC

Insource provides manufacturing and distribution operations with a superior alternative to temporary staffing. By aligning our performance pricing and incentive pay plans with their operational goals, our customers enjoy the flexibility and risk management received with temporary labor, but with a partner that is accountable for increasing throughput, improving quality, and reducing cost.
