Compete and Win in the Age of Account Based Buying

July 15, 2019

If you’re on a B2B revenue team, it’s likely your Marketing and Sales teams are experiencing some angst these days when it comes to understanding how prospects and customers want to interact with your company. On one hand customers seem to want ultra-personalized attention on every channel, and on the other it seems as though they instantly delete every one of those painstakingly-crafted, personalized emails you send. They come to your website to download your latest eBook, but then fill out your contact form with “Mickey Mouse” from “ABC Company.”


Hyperloop One

Hyperloop One is reinventing transportation to eliminate barriers of time and distance by using Hyperloop transport to move cargo and passengers immediately, safely, efficiently, and sustainably.

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Amplifying the power of your Anaplan Investment

whitePaper | October 15, 2022

Many global organizations that Deloitte works with have made a significant investment in the Anaplan platform to provide end-to-end decision-making capabilities across business functions (e.g., Operations, Commercial, Finance). These organizations view Anaplan as a key enabler to understanding changing market conditions through the real-time modeling of multiple scenarios that that require many functions to provide critical inputs. Moreover, these organizations are continuously looking for opportunities to introduce new capabilities and insights for the business to achieve strategic objectives and build a competitive advantage.

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Supply and withstand: The case for Supply Chain Intelligence

whitePaper | November 28, 2022

The global supply chain is in a constant state of flux. It requires intelligent, resilient and sustainable solutions to meet demand, no matter how quickly or dramatically it changes.

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2022 Supply-Chain Disruptions For Automotive Industry

whitePaper | June 1, 2022

The world is walking out of the shadow of the COVID-19 lockdown. However, the pandemic has long-lasting side effects on the automotive industry. In the past 18 months, the supply chain has seen several disruptions that worsened as new geopolitical events occurred. Rising material prices are hitting supplies, while logistics costs remain high, and the availability of major components such as semiconductors remains far below requirements. Moreover, the acceleration of electrification adds a layer of difficulty. Electric vehicles require many more semiconductors and rare earth materials, while the supply is still in shortage. Lately, China’s supply chain was hit with lockdowns, slowing down raw material processing and component deliveries that are critical to the automotive industry from a global perspective

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Green shipping corridors: leveraging synergies

whitePaper | October 12, 2022

In 2021, as part of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), 19 countries, including the United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.), Chile and Australia, signed the Clydebank Declaration, which aims to support the establishment of at least six green corridors by the middle of this decade, intending to scale up over the decade. In April 2022, the U.S. Department of State (DOS) announced its objective to help set up green shipping corridors and provided high-level guidance on the building blocks for green shipping corridors. Maritime decarbonization is a particularly complex challenge with multiple pathways that are at various levels of technological and operational readiness.

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SPRINT to the future-ready supply chain

whitePaper | January 23, 2022

From the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, to ongoing geopolitical instability, to the growing consumer and other stakeholder’s focus on sustainability, to the disruptive effect of emerging technologies, the challenges facing today’s supply chains are multiplying and intensifying.

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The Freight Space Race Curbing the Impact of Freight Deliveries in Cities

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

The International Transport Forum is an intergovernmental organisation with 64 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of transport ministers. ITF is the only global body that covers all transport modes. The ITF is politically autonomous and administratively integrated with the OECD. The ITF works for transport policies that improve people’s lives. Our mission is to foster a deeper understanding of the role of transport in economic growth, environmental sustainability and social inclusion and to raise the public profile of transport policy.

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Hyperloop One

Hyperloop One is reinventing transportation to eliminate barriers of time and distance by using Hyperloop transport to move cargo and passengers immediately, safely, efficiently, and sustainably.
