Young Logistics Pros Share Secrets of Career Success

Did you find your supply chain career or did it find you? Some people “backed into” the warehousing, distribution, transportation or logistics industry. Others have pursued the field as a course of study through the increasing number of highly-respected university and college programs. Either way, with the diversity of opportunities for careers in our field spanning job descriptions, companies, geographic locations and diverse challenges there’s always something to learn, especially as our field works to attract the next generations to its ranks.
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Driver Coaching – This Time It’s Personal

Fleet Owner

Central Oregon Truck Company (COTC) has been named one of the “Best Fleets to Drive For” for five years running and it’s no wonder why. From comprehensive onboard training to incentive and retention programs to a terminal truly focused on ensuring driver comfort, it’s clear how much they value their 300 drivers.The top priority at COTC is protecting the safety of its drivers and the motoring public. Video safety plays a critical role in making that happen. At the center of it all is a team of hands-on coaches who review video, while also coaching and documenting driving behavior daily with an eye towards continual improvement
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How Do Supply Chain Teams Turn Their Existing SAP into a Working Asset

If you purchase expensive equipment for your manufacturing plant, you’d expect to fully utilize it in your operations. For many organizations, SAP is one of their largest and most expensive assets, yet it is not held to this same utilization standard. Much has changed in the last 10 years regarding local and global supply chains. However, how SAP is used has not changed dramatically enough; we still need to turn this “tool” into an “asset.” And SAP should be an asset that helps to increase inventory turns, reduce the cost of operations, increase throughput, and improve service levels. These are all revenue enablers and profit generators.
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Artificial Intelligence: The Path to Breakthrough Supply Chain Planning


Supply chain planning has never been more complicated. Between an explosion in demand signals from POS, CRM and social media and an increase in the number of functional planners, custom applications and segmentation of processes, traditional S&OP processes are struggling to keep up. Join A.T. Kearney partner Michael Hu for a discussion on how Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are emerging as new tools that can lead to breakthroughs in supply chain planning.
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A panel of Logistics experts on the how the industry can move from basic optimization, to AI-enabled dynamic planning and execution Outdated transportation management systems (TMS) and infrastructure are among the most significant challenges plaguing the domestic transport industry today. It continues to be extremely difficult to access tracking, reporting, and analytics information.
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