Warehouse Barcode Scanning Webinar

3PL Central’s mobile barcode scanning functionality is available today to increase your workers’ productivity, improve your data capture accuracy and provide your clients with the real-time information they need. You’ll learn how you can handle all your warehouse operations directly via the web on a WiFi enabled barcode scanner.
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Potential outcomes in 2022 and risk mitigation strategies

Our speaker Bill Rooney, Vice President Strategic Development, will cover various aspects of the expiration and re-negotiation of the ILWU stevedore union contract including: ILWU contract expiration and what it means, potential for labor action on the US west coasts, risks associated with a labor action on the US west coast and the impact of a possible labor action and labor risk mitigation strategies.
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One Network Enterprises

Artificial Intelligence offers huge benefits for supply chain managers, but only if it is based on solid fundamentals that consider the scale and dynamics of today’s supply chains.The success of AI in supply chains is heavily dependent on information accuracy, data timeliness, and selection of the correct decision space for AI applications.
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Enhance Supply Chain Risk Management to Increase Resilience

Supply chains have been experiencing an increasing number of disruptions in the past 3 years, with many being both unfamiliar and unpredicted. All have operational implications. Coupled with this there is increased scrutiny from organizational leaders and wider stakeholders on the effectiveness of supply chain risk management. This has led to a drive for increased resiliency.
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How Do Supply Chain Teams Turn Their Existing SAP into a Working Asset

If you purchase expensive equipment for your manufacturing plant, you’d expect to fully utilize it in your operations. For many organizations, SAP is one of their largest and most expensive assets, yet it is not held to this same utilization standard. Much has changed in the last 10 years regarding local and global supply chains. However, how SAP is used has not changed dramatically enough; we still need to turn this “tool” into an “asset.” And SAP should be an asset that helps to increase inventory turns, reduce the cost of operations, increase throughput, and improve service levels. These are all revenue enablers and profit generators.
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