Turn Freight Rate Insights into Action

Understanding the ocean freight market, rate trends and how certain factors influence them can be a complex task. Making strategic procurement decisions in a volatile market can be even more uncertain. See how you can leverage historical data and insights to give you the confidence in your negotiations with suppliers. Watch this 30-minute webinar and learn how historical ocean freight rates can influence preparation for your RFQ/tendering negotiations in 2019.
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Developing an Effective Parcel Spend Strategy in an Online World

Supply Chain Quarterly

E-commerce has redrawn the logistics map, and the phenomenon is in its early stages. As more goods are ordered online, the ability to master your parcel shipping strategy will become more important than ever. Consumers expect free or very low-cost shipping, yet parcel carriers expect to be paid for their services. Shippers will need to balance the demands of their customers with the realities of their shipping budgets.
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European Road Freight - from disruptions to solutions

The challenges that road freight has been facing in Europe The best solutions to avoid disruptions and mitigate losses Ways to navigate capacity constraints while reducing costs and using benchmark data to your advantage
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Cutting carbon emissions in humanitarian logistics

Humanitarian Logistics Association

Logistics provider GEODIS is providing a free 40 minute webinar for HLA on the subject of reducing carbon emissions in humanitarian logistics. The webinar will include three speakers from GEODIS, a presentation of their eco transit measuring tool and a short interactive quiz.
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Warehouse Automation

Oracle and NetSuite

A shrinking labor force, high real estate and facility costs, and the never-ending quest for improved throughput, accuracy and cost control continue to drive investments in warehouse automation. Yet, investments are often steep and flexibility and scalability are sometimes compromised. Join a roundtable discussion on the latest trends in warehouse automation.
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