Think Outside the Cart: How AMRs Optimize Warehouse Fulfillment

In this webcast Mike Levans, Group Editorial Director of Peerless Media and Locus Robotics’ CEO Rick Faulk discuss how warehouse robotics is already dramatically changing the fulfillment paradigm to significantly improve the capability and efficiency and helping operators “think outside of the cart”.
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Shine a light on your supply chain blind spots

Supply chains are complex by nature. Global, multi-modal, time-critical, and relying on numerous participants to work in harmony. However, even within harmonious networks blind spots exits. These visibility gaps, generate mistrust, encourage information silos, and obstruct cross functional cooperation. The subsequent inefficiencies cost companies’ money, time, and reputation.
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Prepare For the Unexpected-Visualize the Full Supply Chain Spectrum

Global disruptions, trucking capacity, fulfillment, and production fluctuations abound in our ever-changing supply chain dynamic. Prepare for 2023 by learning how to visualize the full supply chain picture to respond with practical solutions that allow businesses and industries to operate efficiently, maximize revenue growth, and provide valuable service to their customers.
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Managing Supplier Risk and Disruption in the Supply Chain


Understanding and proactively managing supplier risk is a key step toward minimizing supply chain disruption. But it’s easier said than done. For many procurement organizations, the lack of mature practices and confusion about the right technology solution are the biggest obstacles to adopting and driving truly effective supplier risk management.In this webcast presented by GEP and SIG, procurement experts discuss the essential components underpinning a successful supplier risk management program. They also examine the role of technology and digitalization in accelerating supplier risk management.
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Import and Export Webinar: Incoterms and potential issues

BDP International

How does your company view Incoterms? There can often be misunderstandings about their use and purpose. We will explore proper usage of Incoterms and how best to utilize them in your international transactions and highlight potential problems.
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