The State of Carrier Payments: Selecting the Right Payment Strategy for Your Organization

The payment process can present a number of challenges within the freight industry, from dealing with errors in invoices to managing and protecting the sensitivity of the data they contain. As a result, many companies opt to outsource their payments to third parties who specialize in payments to save time and avoid the complexities altogether. And when it comes to selecting a payment method, carriers are opting for factoring over QuickPay six times more often, but both options have pros and cons. So how do you ensure that you’re selecting the payment route that’s right for your 3PL while still building carrier loyalty?To explore the benefits and drawbacks of these payment options and provide the information needed to ensure you’re making the best option to meet your needs, FreightWaves is partnering with TriumphPay to present an hourlong webinar
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Cost to Serve Logistics Analysis – Where Should I Build the New Warehouse?


Arkieva is helping customers improve logistics Performance with the right KPIs: Unplanned trips, LTL, inefficiencies milk-runs, mode analysis (CC vs. fleet), Transport mode efficiency, and Performance by ship method
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Pest Threats to Storage and Transport


With supply chains spanning the globe, the shipping and warehousing industries face many challenges — especially when it comes to pest control. Their multiple locations and large inventories mean a pest infestation can affect all legs of the supply chain process. If product and supplies become infested, companies can suffer lasting blows to their reputation and bottom line. That’s why pest prevention and control should be top of mind. And the most effective way to combat pest problems is to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan that involves ongoing maintenance and a partnership between employees and pest management professionals.
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How to Streamline Procurement and Increase Buying Power Working with a GPO

A Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) aggregates the purchasing volume of its members for various goods and services and develops contracts with suppliers through which members may buy at group prices and terms. Despite their distinct advantages, GPOs continue to be widely misunderstood. Learn how to leverage the purchasing power of a group of businesses to obtain discounts from vendors based on the collective buying power of the GPO members and why participating in a GPO is a distinct strategic advantage.
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Young Logistics Pros Share Secrets of Career Success


Did you find your supply chain career or did it find you? Some people “backed into” the warehousing, distribution, transportation or logistics industry. Others have pursued the field as a course of study through the increasing number of highly-respected university and college programs. Either way, with the diversity of opportunities for careers in our field spanning job descriptions, companies, geographic locations and diverse challenges there’s always something to learn, especially as our field works to attract the next generations to its ranks.
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