Amazon has turned the business landscape on its head. Netflix has transformed the entertainment industry. Uber has revolutionized the transportation industry. Aerospace firms are feeling the squeeze. Are you ready for what’s next? According to LMA Consulting Group’s research study, The Amazon Effect: How Higher Customer Service Standards Impact Your Business and What You Can Do to Thrive, customers are no longer satisfied with quality products delivered on-time; instead, they want rapid delivery, “go the extra mile” partnership type service and collaborative R&D/ design.
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Mastering supply chain planning under strong supply constraints

Leading CPG companies are deploying new operating models and entering new ecosystems to pave uncharted paths to success in an environment rife with supply constraints, particularly in materials, logistics, production capacity and labor. Some of the more mature CPGs are adopting next generation supply chain control tower technology to deliver greater end to end visibility. But each journey is different and tailored to the organization.
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Increase Your Negotiation Power During Ocean Freight Tendering Season


The tendering and bidding season has begun. However, due to the lack of reliable data and multiple bidding rounds, the tendering process can become long and cumbersome. This may not leave you with enough time and resources to focus on what really matters in your supply chain
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Planning for the Future (and present!) of Warehouse Automation

This webinar is a must-see for any supply chain or warehouse professional who's either planning to attend Promat 2023 or still deciding to attend. In this webinar we will discuss what the future of distribution has to hold in 2023 and beyond.
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Creating a culture that attracts top supply chain talent


REASONS TO ATTEND THE WEBINAR Learn proven Supply Chain Management best practices Gain new insight and ideas for waging the War for Talent Hear helpful leadership perspective from a successful senior Supply Chain leader
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