The future of ship management

However, the past decade has probably seen the greatest challenges, and the next decade will test ship managers more than ever.Digital disruption will impact all maritime businesses, but none more so than ship managers because they will need to embrace change in technical management, in a dynamic regulatory environment, while upskilling all levels of human resources, and continuing to provide value for customers.
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Warehouse Operations Have Gotten More Complex Than Ever. How Technology Enables Operational Agility

Global supply chain disruption is the new reality now. Having the agility to anticipate change and adapting to it swiftly is the key for business success. To thrive in tough and challenging times we lean on technology - a well-known enabler of business agility. However, what does operational agility mean when it comes to the warehouse activities?
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Redefine the Role of Supply Chain Planning Center of Excellence

Supply Chain Planning teams are operating in a world where disruptions are happening more frequently and they have become predictably unpredictable, and bigger in impact. The supply chain planning organizations have the responsibility to lead their organizations’ planning for future demand and supply. In a volatile environment this is becoming increasingly difficult, and more often than not, the businesses end up finding themselves in a highly reactive mode of operations. The organization structures, processes and technologies of the past have a hard time keeping up with today’s challenges.
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Blockchain in Supply Chains


You might have heard of something called Bitcoin, a digital currency enabled by blockchain technology. But what the heck is blockchain exactly? How does it work? Why should you care? Blockchain is a novel digital information technology that is expected to revolutionize the way transactional data is recorded and stored. And according to the Institute for the Future, blockchain will reinvent how business transactions happen and potentially disrupt all parts of the supply chain and logistics in every sector over the next decade. After we introduce the blockchain technology, smart contracts and an explanation about the difference between “public” and “enterprise” blockchain, some real-life examples of the most important blockchain based projects in transport, logistic and supply chain manangement will be shared.
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Is your supply chain ready for a digital transformation?


Digitization is here. And it’s re-defining supply chain. Disruptive technologies like advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are converging, bringing together the physical and digital worlds into new digital supply networks. These networks are taking supply chains from siloed and sequential to dynamic and interconnected. But true digital transformation isn’t just about the technology. Industry experts Tim Gaus, Principal at Deloitte, and Trevor Miles, Thought Leader at Kinaxis, explain how digital supply networks, combined with the right organizational change, can move your supply chain to the next level of growth.
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