Supply Sensing: An essential practice for ensuring agility and responsiveness in CPG supply chains

Supply Sensing: An essential practice
Across consumer products, anticipating volatile demand is only half the battle. With supply shortages becoming increasingly common, many companies in the industry are leveraging data and advanced analytics-driven supply sensing capabilities that provide them with a more accurate and comprehensive picture of inbound supply.
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Creating a culture that attracts top supply chain talent


REASONS TO ATTEND THE WEBINAR Learn proven Supply Chain Management best practices Gain new insight and ideas for waging the War for Talent Hear helpful leadership perspective from a successful senior Supply Chain leader
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Level Up Your Yard: Stop Reacting & Take Control

Today’s businesses are being hammered by rising supply chain costs and ever-escalating expectations for service. As supply chains come under scrutiny, one of the easiest places to make gains in cost and service oftentimes goes unnoticed.
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The 2023 Gartner Power of the Profession Supply Chain Award Winners

What companies stand out for the most impactful supply chain innovations? Join this complimentary supply chain webinar which reveals the winners of the 2023 Gartner Power of the Profession Supply Chain Awards. Now in its ninth year, this annual community-driven recognition program inspires supply chain transformation around the globe. See leading examples of supply chain excellence in action in the following categories: Customer or Patient Innovation; Process or Technology Innovation; People Breakthrough; and Social Impact.
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Supply Chain Network Design: What Are Your Options?

Is your organization becoming more mature when it comes to designing your end-to-end supply chain network? Then you’ll enter the difficult phase of researching the various optimization technologies that are available. But no worries, we did this daunting job for you! In this webinar, we will explain the main technology types in the market, with their pros, cons and capabilities. After the webinar, you will be equipped to decide which technology fits your organization best.
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