Supply chain strategies in a brave new trade world

Organizations with even moderately complex multinational supply chains face significant challenges in today's increasingly complex trade and commerce reality:
- Dealing with a market-driven proliferation of SKUs
- Growing use of contract manufacturers
- Proliferation of commerce channels
- A more uncertain trade environment
- Unprecedented market volatility
- Impact and cost of ongoing legal, regulatory and taxation changes
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How to Measure Supply Chain Performance Using KPI Tier-Based Thresholds


Are you looking to fine-tune, completely overhaul, or perhaps simply begin setting up effective supply chain performance KPIs and monitoring processes? Join Arkieva Dashboarding Expert and Senior Supply Chain Consultant, Justin Evilsizor during this interactive webinar session focused on how to use data alerts to improve your supply chain performance response. This webinar will feature a quick overview on how to create a tier-based alert monitoring system, as well as, how to establish thresholds for escalating and solving issues to reduce disruptions.
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Unlock visibility into your upstream supply chain

Communicating across the inbound supply chain is more complex than ever. Supply chains are more global, involve more parties, and goods move across more modes of transport – manual processes to manage them are becoming too complicated to continue.
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Uncover the Hidden Supply Chain Job Market


Attend this SCM Live webinar to learn more from the author of the “Professional Development” department. He will describe the types of companies that typically choose not to post their job openings so you can develop a system for exploring these hidden job opportunities optimize your ability to attract employers and recruiters.
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Blockchain in Supply Chain, Transport & Logistics in Asia

Global Supply Chain Council

For both brands, merchants and retailers, the path to online orders across borders is still a bumpy one. Cross-border deliveries still mean back-office administrative headaches including still major bottleneck with the customs, unexpected duties and taxes, currency conversion issues, increasing risk of fraud and deliveries delays and more.
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