Smarter supply chain management using AI

For sustainable competitive advantage in an uncertain world disrupted by COVID-19, businesses need to have a supply chain that is smart as well as agile. At Nagarro, we see supply chain optimization as a series of decisions that impact upstream and downstream processes. Data-driven approaches leveraging AI can enable organizations to take these decisions effectively and account for uncertainties in multiple areas such as supplier management, demand forecasting, reverse logistics, and order management.
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Managing Color in Complex Packaging Supply Chains

business review webinars

If you or your company looks to improve the consistency of printed packaging in the market, reduce time-to-market for new graphic packaging and products, simplify the churn and expense of print approvals, and increase bandwidth within graphics management resources, please join us for this discussion with Jay Sperry from HAVI Global Solutions.Packaging makes a first impression. Packaging engages with the target consumer; both before and after the product is purchased. Printed graphics on packaging not only informs and activates key product messaging, when executed correctly they establish the products quality position, and enforce the brand and product experience. Packaging is a manufacturing process, driven by efficiencies and cost management, with a supply chain that is diverse in capabilities, regions, print methods and substrates.
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To manage today’s complexities, current systems are forcing functional groups to resolve problems with outdated processes and approaches.This leads to poor product mix, lower margins, higher buffer inventories, unnecessary premium freight, low productivity and sub-optimal optimization.
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Many of the goods imported into the U.S. rely on intricate, finely-tuned, international supply chains. When the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on international supply networks that caused shortages, price increases, and instilled plenty of worry in consumers, it also set in motion more conversation about the emerging future of supply chains. But how did we get here? In this webinar, participants will learn more about the past, present, and future of supply chains and freight systems, including how supply chains have changed over time, evolving types of freight providers, autonomous freight advancements, and public policy changes. The presentation, which is also the TRB 2022 Deen Lecture, will be led by Anne Strauss-Wieder and discussion will be facilitated by Lillian Borrone.
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Cost to Serve Logistics Analysis – Where Should I Build the New Warehouse?


Arkieva is helping customers improve logistics Performance with the right KPIs: Unplanned trips, LTL, inefficiencies milk-runs, mode analysis (CC vs. fleet), Transport mode efficiency, and Performance by ship method
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