Putting safety back where it belongs

Shipping’s commitment to fulfil climate change obligations has had an unintended consequence: continuing investment to enhance safety is often a secondary consideration. History teaches us that accidents and incidents rise when competing issues – such as new technology or emissions reduction – take over management time and effort.Shipping is one of the most dangerous activities in transportation, so safety must be placed first at every level of an organisation. What’s getting in the way and why?
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How To Reduce P&P Hub DownTimes With Condition Monitoring Systems

The explosive growth of e-commerce has exposed major system and process limitations in the post and parcel industry, leaving existing infrastructure and processes struggling to accommodate increased throughput and performance demands. Register for this webinar to gain exclusive access to acknowledged industry experts from Honeywell to find out how to achieve optimal operational performance at all times, including peaks.
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Strengthen Your Supply Chain Management with Forecasting and MRP

Proper supply chain management necessitates anticipating demand, limiting risk, and smoothing inventory management to avoid shortages or over-ordering. Demand forecasting and material requirements planning (MRP) are processes that can assist you in anticipating and mitigating supply chain delays and ensuring that customer demands are met without interruption. During this webinar, we will discuss and demonstrate how having the right forecasting and MRP tools in place, as part of your overall ERP strategy for your manufacturing business, can work together to strengthen your supply chain management.
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LEAD Network

This webinar is hosted by the LEAD Network Supply Chain Chapter and is presented by Daniela Baudisch, Global Manager Digitalization & Innovation at Schenker AG. Daniela will explore and share the key trends and innovations that are happing in Logistics today to help us get ready for tomorrow.
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Improving Financial and Supply Chain Planning Alignment

Supply chain and finance teams, despite working together for so long, still don’t have a common language for producing effective plans. How can you achieve supply chain excellence if the teams responsible for delivering it aren’t even speaking the same language? They might not even agree on what excellence is.
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