Pallets: Supporting Product, Processes and the Enterprise

Pallets do the same job as ever, but the nature of that job is changing. Pallet management practices are shifting toward an emphasis on reusability as more companies establish in-house pallet pools. The cost-per-use equation is also including more factors, while providers of pallets and services are adapting their approaches to meet customer demands.
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PART THREE: Smart Transportation: Leveraging Technology to Transform the Movement of Freight

Freight is a competitive advantage and critical to the bottom line. What do we do to help both of these? Leveraging technology is front and center. Attend this webinar to hear from Deloitte Consulting Analyst, Christoper Starks, to learn more about how you can leverage technology to move freight. This will be an important session as we go into 2023 and beyond.
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Building Predictive Supply Chains Through Incremental Gains

Supply chain businesses operate on fine margins. And while we all know that remaining competitive requires continuous innovation and cutting-edge technology, like real-time supply chain visibility and predictive ETAs, implementing these changes can be challenging, especially when dealing with limited resources.
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Understanding the new business benchmarks for digital procurement in a post- COVID-19 world!

When you think of procurement benchmarking the impact of W. Edward Deming’s quote – “It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it – a costly myth” immediately comes to mind.
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Plan and adapt your logistics to exceed expectation

Many logistics operations have faced increased disruption in the past year, affecting demand and supply, labor, and capacity. Too frequently, fragmented logistics and distribution systems result in a lack of real-time visibility into the location of inventory and shipments, so companies are unable to be proactive and more effectively manage the distribution of goods.
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