Moving from Excel to AI: Creating Visibility in Supply Chain

Supply Chain lives and dies on accurate, timely data. Learn how AI and machine learning are impacting the industry and what your first steps should be to take advantage of these technologies. Join Founder of GT Nexus John Urban, Dr. Bob Zimering from Amazon, and Thomas Atwood from Clearmetal as they discuss their experiences with supply chain innovation and how to prepare your company for technologies like AI and Machine Learning..
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Transportation Spend Visibility


TSM is a game-changing approach for managing transportation spend and extending traditional freight & parcel audit and payment. Not only is TSM able to provide enhanced visibility and visualization of transportation spending across modes, carriers, geographies or businesses but also pinpoint where and why spending is changing, with precision, so that decisive action can be taken.
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How to manage suppliers during disruptions.

Procurement is expected to deliver a strategy that brings stability & resiliency to the supply chain during times of disruption. But what are the best ways to identify the biggest risks during moments of crises? And how do you navigate effective vendor management at the same time? Watch this webinar to unpack strategies designed to give you immediate visibility into the health of your supply chain to focus your efforts on initiatives that bring vendor management back under control.
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Africa’s energy metals market and supply chain


The future success of renewable energy and electric vehicles for both consumer markets and utility-scale markets is going to depend largely on the ability to store that energy.However, current battery storage technologies are expensive, only suitable for short-term back-up, frequency regulation of the grid, and micro-grid applications. There is also the challenge around stability (some are prone to explode), the longevity of the units, and environmental disposal of the used products.
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Growing a Sustainable Supply Chain

How are you supposed to achieve that "carbon-neutral by 20XX" goal? Every shipper wants to be sustainable and the market is demanding it, but how? And not just in theory, but in practice. Join Redwood Logistics and SupplyChainBrain to discover how to develop a sustainable strategy, calculate and offset freight emissions, and actually neutralize your supply chain carbon footprint.
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