Mobile Communications in Trucking: From Luxury to Necessity

In freight transportation, smart phones and tablets are not just commonplace but inevitable. For both drivers on the road and managers in the office, you’re not likely to see such a person without one, the other or both.Join Fleet Owner, to learn about the essential nature of mobile communications for drivers and fleet managers.For drivers the appeal is easy. They can use phones and tablets to keep in touch with people at home and, with the same device, help make their professional lives more efficient with the swarm of applications now available.
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Africa’s energy metals market and supply chain


The future success of renewable energy and electric vehicles for both consumer markets and utility-scale markets is going to depend largely on the ability to store that energy.However, current battery storage technologies are expensive, only suitable for short-term back-up, frequency regulation of the grid, and micro-grid applications. There is also the challenge around stability (some are prone to explode), the longevity of the units, and environmental disposal of the used products.
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Many of the goods imported into the U.S. rely on intricate, finely-tuned, international supply chains. When the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on international supply networks that caused shortages, price increases, and instilled plenty of worry in consumers, it also set in motion more conversation about the emerging future of supply chains. But how did we get here? In this webinar, participants will learn more about the past, present, and future of supply chains and freight systems, including how supply chains have changed over time, evolving types of freight providers, autonomous freight advancements, and public policy changes. The presentation, which is also the TRB 2022 Deen Lecture, will be led by Anne Strauss-Wieder and discussion will be facilitated by Lillian Borrone.
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Level Up Your Yard: Stop Reacting & Take Control

Today’s businesses are being hammered by rising supply chain costs and ever-escalating expectations for service. As supply chains come under scrutiny, one of the easiest places to make gains in cost and service oftentimes goes unnoticed.
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Driver Shortage: The Great Debate and Research too

The effect of long dwell time on driver retention—NEW research! How Census Bureau capacity predictions influence the order of new trucks What it all means for your business—this year and beyond
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