Import and Export webinar: Role of the Importer

Being an importer of record places regulatory responsibilities on your organization. Learn what is required, risks and liabilities, record keeping requirements, and why a properly executed power of attorney and Customs bond is important.
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Supply Chain Now Radio

Amazon has turned the business landscape on its head. Netflix has transformed the entertainment industry. Uber has revolutionized the transportation industry. Aerospace firms are feeling the squeeze. Are you ready for what’s next? According to LMA Consulting Group’s research study, The Amazon Effect: How Higher Customer Service Standards Impact Your Business and What You Can Do to Thrive, customers are no longer satisfied with quality products delivered on-time; instead, they want rapid delivery, “go the extra mile” partnership type service and collaborative R&D/ design.
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Many of the goods imported into the U.S. rely on intricate, finely-tuned, international supply chains. When the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on international supply networks that caused shortages, price increases, and instilled plenty of worry in consumers, it also set in motion more conversation about the emerging future of supply chains. But how did we get here? In this webinar, participants will learn more about the past, present, and future of supply chains and freight systems, including how supply chains have changed over time, evolving types of freight providers, autonomous freight advancements, and public policy changes. The presentation, which is also the TRB 2022 Deen Lecture, will be led by Anne Strauss-Wieder and discussion will be facilitated by Lillian Borrone.
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Driving Supply Chain Efficiencies with Digital Order Management Solutions

Just how important is order management’s role in today’s business climate? Learn more in this exclusive webinar, including the impact on cashflow, common supply chain challenges, and the transformational benefits that automation can bring.
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See Your Supply Chain Like Never Before

Supply Chain Management Review

How do the world’s top supply chains see further and act faster? Many of them are gaining an understanding of how their supply chain flows are tied to outcomes to stay ahead of problems, and gain whole new efficiencies.
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