How to Benchmark Your Freight Rates & Change Your Logistics Business

In this webinar you will learn:
Why using intelligent benchmarking in your supply chain, especially container freight rates is important.
What impact real-time market intelligence and benchmarking data has on your overall logistics and supply chain management.
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Emerging supply chain risk trends for 2022. And How to Adapt

This in-depth briefing will cover what to expect from continuing supply chain risks, including increasing regulations, risk convergence, and risk evolution. Plus, a look at other challenges on the horizon, including shifts in trade policy that may contribute to further disruptions, the influence of consumer behavior and automation, and lingering Covid-related impacts. It also discusses a new organizational approach to supply chain risk, which suggests key future areas on which to focus, such as the need for end-to-end risk assessments, heightened verification, and new ways to communicate more efficiently throughout the supply chain
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Supply Chain Sustainability 2022 Event Series in Partnership with

Sustainable procurement is undoubtedly rising as a key driver of supply chain sustainability. Buyers have a strategic positioning as they face suppliers and are positioned quite upstream in the value chain. Collaboration is key with both internal and external stakeholders. But the topic is so broad, time- and effort-consuming, under increasing and accelerating regulation pressure that buyers barely know where to start and how to pitch the business case. In this series of interactive events, you will learn about practical cases from our experts and panelists from various industries and backgrounds and ultimately be armed to initiate or pursue the change of mindset in your purchasing organization.
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Blockchain in Supply Chain, Transport & Logistics in Asia

Global Supply Chain Council

For both brands, merchants and retailers, the path to online orders across borders is still a bumpy one. Cross-border deliveries still mean back-office administrative headaches including still major bottleneck with the customs, unexpected duties and taxes, currency conversion issues, increasing risk of fraud and deliveries delays and more.
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Proven Ways to Get Your Supply Chain Back on Track


About 25% of small manufacturers say the supply chain crunch is getting worse, and about one-third of businesses say getting basic supplies into their plants is the biggest challenge they continue to face. While things might be getting better for a few, deep-pocketed large companies, managing material shortages remains a giant hurdle for huge swaths of the manufacturing world.
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