Explore Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing skills are highly in-demand in today’s workplace. When it comes to reporting, data science and analytics, BI & Data warehousing is the first choice for small, mid-sized and fortune 100 companies. Although, these are two different technologies, their combination plays a crucial role in the success of enterprises.
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Digital transformation for the automotive supply chain


Driverless cars, electricity-charged vehicles. The automotive industry is experiencing change unlike any time in history.With this change comes a breadth of challenges and wealth of opportunities that are forcing the industry to rethink supply chain processes and business strategy.New digital technologies will play a key role in overcoming planning issues, while helping companies thrive in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.
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Value Network - The Way forward for a Resilient Supply Chain


Future-ready resilient enterprises need a digital-twin of their existing networks of manufacturers, suppliers, customers and financial institutions to prevent their businesses against demand supply shocks and compete in the global economy. Join us in this webinar to learn how your organization can take a leap from complex, hierarchical and fragmented value chains to a multi-enterprise business network to create an agile foundation for your business.
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Emerging supply chain risk trends for 2022. And How to Adapt

This in-depth briefing will cover what to expect from continuing supply chain risks, including increasing regulations, risk convergence, and risk evolution. Plus, a look at other challenges on the horizon, including shifts in trade policy that may contribute to further disruptions, the influence of consumer behavior and automation, and lingering Covid-related impacts. It also discusses a new organizational approach to supply chain risk, which suggests key future areas on which to focus, such as the need for end-to-end risk assessments, heightened verification, and new ways to communicate more efficiently throughout the supply chain
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4 Ways to Reduce Your Hidden Warehouse Costs

3PL Central

The pain of this economy is certainly real. One good piece of news, however, is that times like these are often when suppliers need efficient and cost-effective 3PLs and public warehousing the most.To help you capitalize on these opportunities, 3PL Central is offering an informative webinar designed to show how you can reduce hidden costs – and increase your value to your clients. It will also detail how you can:
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