Digitization of Logistics

In under 30 minutes, our President at Ascent Global Logistics explains what digitization is and how new technologies are transforming the logistics industry.
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Autonomous shipping

Lloyd's List Maritime Intelligence

Initial proposals for fully-autonomous shipping have reached the clear light of day: remotely-controlled merchant vessels will take longer to bring into operation than had been thought. But the past five years has shown there is real excitement within the maritime community for innovation that will change the way shipping works. Business models will change, trading patterns will change, seafaring will change.Where is Autonomous shipping today, and what technology is under construction to push it further? What developments are under way in the aviation, automotive, and trucking sectors that will have a bearing on how shipping will evolve? How will Autonomous shipping fit with designs for the Autonomous supply chain?
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4 Ways to Reduce Your Hidden Warehouse Costs

3PL Central

The pain of this economy is certainly real. One good piece of news, however, is that times like these are often when suppliers need efficient and cost-effective 3PLs and public warehousing the most.To help you capitalize on these opportunities, 3PL Central is offering an informative webinar designed to show how you can reduce hidden costs – and increase your value to your clients. It will also detail how you can:
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Shine a light on your supply chain blind spots

Supply chains are complex by nature. Global, multi-modal, time-critical, and relying on numerous participants to work in harmony. However, even within harmonious networks blind spots exits. These visibility gaps, generate mistrust, encourage information silos, and obstruct cross functional cooperation. The subsequent inefficiencies cost companies’ money, time, and reputation.
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Prepare For the Unexpected-Visualize the Full Supply Chain Spectrum

Global disruptions, trucking capacity, fulfillment, and production fluctuations abound in our ever-changing supply chain dynamic. Prepare for 2023 by learning how to visualize the full supply chain picture to respond with practical solutions that allow businesses and industries to operate efficiently, maximize revenue growth, and provide valuable service to their customers.
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