Digital transformation for the automotive supply chain

Driverless cars, electricity-charged vehicles. The automotive industry is experiencing change unlike any time in history.With this change comes a breadth of challenges and wealth of opportunities that are forcing the industry to rethink supply chain processes and business strategy.New digital technologies will play a key role in overcoming planning issues, while helping companies thrive in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.
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Tackle Supply Chain Disruptors by Collaborating Within Your Logistics Ecosystem

Logistics and supply chain leaders face an unprecedented level of disruptors that significantly impact performance, cost and service to their customers and consumers. Challenges such as imbalanced freight networks, tightening capacity, unprecedented rates, labor shortages and global geopolitical crises likely will continue into 2023. This complimentary webinar will help supply chain leaders address these challenges by leveraging better collaboration in their logistics ecosystem. You will hear how your peer supply chain executives overcome extreme performance and service challenges.
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The State of Carrier Payments: Selecting the Right Payment Strategy for Your Organization


The payment process can present a number of challenges within the freight industry, from dealing with errors in invoices to managing and protecting the sensitivity of the data they contain. As a result, many companies opt to outsource their payments to third parties who specialize in payments to save time and avoid the complexities altogether. And when it comes to selecting a payment method, carriers are opting for factoring over QuickPay six times more often, but both options have pros and cons. So how do you ensure that you’re selecting the payment route that’s right for your 3PL while still building carrier loyalty?To explore the benefits and drawbacks of these payment options and provide the information needed to ensure you’re making the best option to meet your needs, FreightWaves is partnering with TriumphPay to present an hourlong webinar
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Building Predictive Supply Chains Through Incremental Gains

Supply chain businesses operate on fine margins. And while we all know that remaining competitive requires continuous innovation and cutting-edge technology, like real-time supply chain visibility and predictive ETAs, implementing these changes can be challenging, especially when dealing with limited resources.
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European Road Freight - from disruptions to solutions

The challenges that road freight has been facing in Europe The best solutions to avoid disruptions and mitigate losses Ways to navigate capacity constraints while reducing costs and using benchmark data to your advantage
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