Convert Your Fleet to Renewable Diesel with Ease

All trucking fleets want to reduce their carbon footprints but have real concerns how any change could impact their bottom line.One easy but often misunderstood option is using renewable diesel fuel, which can help fleets go green literally overnight with little-to-no disruptions to their operations. Renewable diesel is a premium-quality, non-petroleum hydrocarbon fuel made from 100 percent renewable raw materials that meets all ASTM D975 and state and federal diesel specifications. Renewable diesel is not biodiesel and does not have any of the negative effects on engine performance.
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How to optimize your supply chain network in dynamic markets with 4flow vista® and 4flow NEVA

Businesses must continuously optimize their supply chains in response to today’s dynamic markets and unpredictable events. Research has shown that transparency in transportation networks is an important basis for this process. ​​ Join 4flow experts to learn about the current obstacles to transparency in supply chain networks. They will offer a closer look at how the software solutions 4flow vista® and 4flow NEVA (Network Exploration, Visualization and Analysis) support your network optimization process from beginning to end. ​
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Digital Marketing Transformation Trends in Transportation & Logistics

Transportation Marketing and Sales Association

The pace at which innovation happens is getting faster it's moving in exponential ways as opposed to a linear progression. This trend certainly has a deep impact on marketing, sales, and the overall buyer journey. Attend this webinar and you will learn: Steps for formalizing your current state customer journey map.
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Blockchain with Machine Learning Powered by Big Data: Trimble Transportation Enterprise


Trimble Transportation Enterprise is a leading provider of enterprise software to over 2,000 transportation and logistics companies. They have designed an architecture that leverages Hortonworks Big Data solutions and Machine Learning models to power up multiple Blockchains, which improves operational efficiency, cuts down costs and enables building strategic partnerships.
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The State of the Industry and the ELD Mandate: The Verdict One Year Later


How is our industry faring in the current environment? What have been some of the results and perhaps unintended consequences of ELD technology over the course of the last year? With the AOBRD grandfather clause ending in 2019, what is being reported by companies who have already implemented ELD technology?
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