Climate change: beyond mitigation - how can we safeguard supply chains and ensure security of supply for customers?

Starting with insight into how shippers are thinking about climate change and whether it is impacting their decisions, we then welcome logistics specialist Alan McKinnon and Head of Climate Impact Team Christoph Matulla to explain what meteorology can tell us about the nature and extent of climate change in simple and clear terms. How vulnerable will our supply chains be to climate change? How can we protect our logistics assets and infrastructure across all modes? Can we develop holistic climate resilience strategies for freight transport?
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Full visibility, higher efficiency and connectivity for your yard with SAP Yard Logistics.


In logistics and order fulfilment, a yard is the link between the distribution and transportation of goods and the warehouse. With the rising importance of e-commerce and supply chains focusing on customer-centricity, increasing the speed of fulfilment is the greatest challenge in logistics.
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Putting safety back where it belongs

Lloyd's List - Maritime Intelligence

Shipping’s commitment to fulfil climate change obligations has had an unintended consequence: continuing investment to enhance safety is often a secondary consideration. History teaches us that accidents and incidents rise when competing issues – such as new technology or emissions reduction – take over management time and effort.Shipping is one of the most dangerous activities in transportation, so safety must be placed first at every level of an organisation. What’s getting in the way and why?
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What is driving decisions on mobility and transportation?

Digital transformation is revolutionizing the auto industry and mobility as we know it. New business models – such as vehicle subscriptions, on-demand mobility and shared-car ownership – have emerged and continue to outpace us as we speak. How has this progress altered consumer behavior and purchase intent? And which trends accelerated by the global pandemic will continue on the road to mass adoption?
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Digital transformation for the automotive supply chain


Driverless cars, electricity-charged vehicles. The automotive industry is experiencing change unlike any time in history.With this change comes a breadth of challenges and wealth of opportunities that are forcing the industry to rethink supply chain processes and business strategy.New digital technologies will play a key role in overcoming planning issues, while helping companies thrive in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.
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