Changing the game for managing transportation rates and contracts

Join Steve Beda, our EVP of Customer Solutions and the Trax team as they discuss how Trax’s new Rate Manager solution is taking the pain out of rate and contract management to deliver better control of rates.
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Digitizing the Retail Supply Chain: How Pharmacity is Scaling up for Growth

In this webinar, panelists from Pharmacity, a modern retail pharmacy chain in Asia Pacific, share how they are transforming their supply chain to meet the increasing consumer demands. The discussion explores in-depth on ways to anticipate product demand, optimize inventory management, and build supply chain visibility that are necessary for retailers to scale in a hypergrowth environment.
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Cutting carbon emissions in humanitarian logistics

Humanitarian Logistics Association

Logistics provider GEODIS is providing a free 40 minute webinar for HLA on the subject of reducing carbon emissions in humanitarian logistics. The webinar will include three speakers from GEODIS, a presentation of their eco transit measuring tool and a short interactive quiz.
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How to Improve Customer Experience With Supply Chain Visibility


Meeting customer expectations is becoming increasingly difficult as supply chains become more complex and delivery requirements tighten. However, in order to succeed in today’s increasingly competitive market, all businesses must leverage customer satisfaction as a key differentiator, with the aim of building loyal and long-lasting relationships based on trust, reliability, dependability and value.
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Climate change: beyond mitigation - how can we safeguard supply chains and ensure security of supply for customers?

European Freight Leaders Forum

Starting with insight into how shippers are thinking about climate change and whether it is impacting their decisions, we then welcome logistics specialist Alan McKinnon and Head of Climate Impact Team Christoph Matulla to explain what meteorology can tell us about the nature and extent of climate change in simple and clear terms. How vulnerable will our supply chains be to climate change? How can we protect our logistics assets and infrastructure across all modes? Can we develop holistic climate resilience strategies for freight transport?
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