Betting Big on Blockchain For Supply Chain

Blockchain technology is quickly emerging as the silver bullet for many supply chain challenges. It’s helping reduce risk by verifying documentation and employees to prevent fictitious pickups, tracking and tracing the movement of physical goods through the supply chain, and overhauling the processes and timelines for accessing trade finance and managing AR and AP. Surveys reveal that supply chain executives are highly interested in the potential for blockchain technology and are exploring the next steps for their organizations. Join SDCE and an expert panel in a roundtable discussion on blockchain technology that is sure to generate actionable take-aways.
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Mobile Communications in Trucking: From Luxury to Necessity

Fleet Owner

In freight transportation, smart phones and tablets are not just commonplace but inevitable. For both drivers on the road and managers in the office, you’re not likely to see such a person without one, the other or both.Join Fleet Owner, to learn about the essential nature of mobile communications for drivers and fleet managers.For drivers the appeal is easy. They can use phones and tablets to keep in touch with people at home and, with the same device, help make their professional lives more efficient with the swarm of applications now available.
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The State of Carrier Payments: Selecting the Right Payment Strategy for Your Organization


The payment process can present a number of challenges within the freight industry, from dealing with errors in invoices to managing and protecting the sensitivity of the data they contain. As a result, many companies opt to outsource their payments to third parties who specialize in payments to save time and avoid the complexities altogether. And when it comes to selecting a payment method, carriers are opting for factoring over QuickPay six times more often, but both options have pros and cons. So how do you ensure that you’re selecting the payment route that’s right for your 3PL while still building carrier loyalty?To explore the benefits and drawbacks of these payment options and provide the information needed to ensure you’re making the best option to meet your needs, FreightWaves is partnering with TriumphPay to present an hourlong webinar
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Channel Incentives – 6 Points That Will Prompt You to Rethink Your Plans

Join Mike Moore, VP, Channel Sales of e2open and guest speaker Dara Schulenberg, Principal Analyst, Channel Strategies of Forrester SiriusDecisions as they reveal key findings from the recently published Forrester Pulse: The State of Channel Partner Incentives 2020.
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Five Trends Forcing Innovation in Your Supply Chain

MP Objects

Have you felt it? There’s been a seismic shift in power within our economy. Customers are in control and supply chains need to be as agile as the customer wants and needs.This is forcing shippers and logistic service providers to rethink how they serve their B2B & B2C customers. And in an era of faster cycle and shipping times, international expansion and multiple suppliers, that means increased (and sometimes insurmountable) complexity in the supply chain.
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