Align Supply Chain Performance to Customer Outcomes

Chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) must work more closely with commercial leaders to align supply chain performance to the required customer outcomes. Supply chain leaders today need to deliver more than one supply chain response to properly serve unique market segments with different demand characteristics and competitive service requirements. This adds operating complexity, and supply chain leaders struggle to align with commercial leaders on the right balance between standardization to achieve scale and differentiation to optimize alignment with demand. This complimentary webinar looks at how CSCOs and their teams can better align their supply chain operating model, performance and targets with commercial strategies and the required customer outcomes.
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5 Mistakes to Avoid when Shipping Goods


It is estimated that 60-80% of the global humanitarian aid spend is related to logistics services. Whether you are a shipper or receiver of goods, international trade is fraught with complexity, particularly for nonprofits. From quoting & documentation, to managing exceptions & tax exemptions, there are key details that can make or break your shipment process.
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Strengthen Your Supply Chain Management with Forecasting and MRP

Proper supply chain management necessitates anticipating demand, limiting risk, and smoothing inventory management to avoid shortages or over-ordering. Demand forecasting and material requirements planning (MRP) are processes that can assist you in anticipating and mitigating supply chain delays and ensuring that customer demands are met without interruption. During this webinar, we will discuss and demonstrate how having the right forecasting and MRP tools in place, as part of your overall ERP strategy for your manufacturing business, can work together to strengthen your supply chain management.
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Understanding the new business benchmarks for digital procurement in a post- COVID-19 world!

When you think of procurement benchmarking the impact of W. Edward Deming’s quote – “It is wrong to suppose that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it – a costly myth” immediately comes to mind.
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Warehouse Barcode Scanning Webinar

3PL Central

3PL Central’s mobile barcode scanning functionality is available today to increase your workers’ productivity, improve your data capture accuracy and provide your clients with the real-time information they need. You’ll learn how you can handle all your warehouse operations directly via the web on a WiFi enabled barcode scanner.
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