Achieving Transparency and Cost-Efficiency in the Supply Chain

The freight and logistics space is rapidly evolving. Automation, technology and business intelligence have increased the capabilities of modern logistics companies and the expectations of end users. These advancements are largely advertised to push freight and logistics to new heights, providing companies with more efficiency in their daily operations and making it easier to ensure their customers' success.
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Pallets: Supporting Product, Processes and the Enterprise

Modern Materials Handling

Pallets do the same job as ever, but the nature of that job is changing. Pallet management practices are shifting toward an emphasis on reusability as more companies establish in-house pallet pools. The cost-per-use equation is also including more factors, while providers of pallets and services are adapting their approaches to meet customer demands.
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Achieving Real-Time Transportation Visibility


When it comes to managing your transportation strategy it’s all about visibility. Visibility is critical to the long-term success of shippers and logistics companies. And, while 100% visibility should be the goal, 77 percent of companies say they have either no visibility or a restricted view.
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2022 Supply Chain Management Webinars

APQC hosts supply chain management (SCM) webinars to connect with our members. Some calls feature internal experts discussing APQC's research and findings. For other calls, we invite external SCM thought leaders and practitioners to present their ideas and insights.
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One of the top challenges in the end-to-end Supply Chain world today is finding & successfully hiring qualified talent, especially given the industry’s digital transformation. In fact, a 2018 survey of over 1,000 business leaders by The Conference Board showed that the top concern for CEOs is “finding and retaining talent”. In this webinar, Jessica Clayton with TalentStream will share key insight and data points from the Supply Chain talent market, based on interactions with hundreds of hiring managers and thousands of candidates.
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