What’s next for connected supply chain logistics and mobility in the “new normal”?

They also discussed how this advancement has increased the risk of cyberattacks and what steps can you take to enhance your cybersecurity strategy. Furthermore, they shared how the last physical obstacle to creating truly ‘contactless’ fleet operation is the physical keys or fobs to access vehicles, and how eliminating the need for physical keys in transport operations streamlines activities.
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3 Key Steps to Get Leadership Buy-In for Supply Chain Cost-of-Quality Programs

Effective cost-of-quality programs reduce costs and improve margins, providing an advantage in a tougher economic environment. Yet, fewer than 20 percent of business leaders say they do anything with the data these programs generate. This complimentary supply chain webinar looks at why business leaders are the key to a successful cost-of-quality program, and provides three actions supply chain leaders can take to secure the buy-in of their leadership.
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Autonomous shipping

Lloyd's List Maritime Intelligence

Initial proposals for fully-autonomous shipping have reached the clear light of day: remotely-controlled merchant vessels will take longer to bring into operation than had been thought. But the past five years has shown there is real excitement within the maritime community for innovation that will change the way shipping works. Business models will change, trading patterns will change, seafaring will change.Where is Autonomous shipping today, and what technology is under construction to push it further? What developments are under way in the aviation, automotive, and trucking sectors that will have a bearing on how shipping will evolve? How will Autonomous shipping fit with designs for the Autonomous supply chain?
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Time Slot Management & Real Time Yard Management

How to uncover the full cost-saving potential of Time Slot Management How to enhance your use of Time Slot Management and experience next level efficiency in your yard What the future looks like for Time Slot Management as digitization continues to shape the yards of tomorrow
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The 2023 Gartner Power of the Profession Supply Chain Award Winners

What companies stand out for the most impactful supply chain innovations? Join this complimentary supply chain webinar which reveals the winners of the 2023 Gartner Power of the Profession Supply Chain Awards. Now in its ninth year, this annual community-driven recognition program inspires supply chain transformation around the globe. See leading examples of supply chain excellence in action in the following categories: Customer or Patient Innovation; Process or Technology Innovation; People Breakthrough; and Social Impact.
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