Making Remote Procurement Work: Strategies and Tools to Manage Business as Usual in An Unusual New World

In a recent article in CPO Strategy by lain Campbell-McKenna, he rightfully pointed out that remote working is not a new thing. The idea of working from home was “more of a concept along the lines of the four-day workweek and flex-hours, hence was promising but not necessarily practical on a large scale.” With COVID-19 it is a whole new ball game. We are all, as Campbell-McKenna put it “for now, and the foreseeable future together on our own.” How do we then move beyond our comfort zones to adopt new strategies, practices, and tools to deliver a higher level of expectation?
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Young Logistics Pros Share Secrets of Career Success


Did you find your supply chain career or did it find you? Some people “backed into” the warehousing, distribution, transportation or logistics industry. Others have pursued the field as a course of study through the increasing number of highly-respected university and college programs. Either way, with the diversity of opportunities for careers in our field spanning job descriptions, companies, geographic locations and diverse challenges there’s always something to learn, especially as our field works to attract the next generations to its ranks.
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Digital Marketing Transformation Trends in Transportation & Logistics

Transportation Marketing and Sales Association

The pace at which innovation happens is getting faster it's moving in exponential ways as opposed to a linear progression. This trend certainly has a deep impact on marketing, sales, and the overall buyer journey. Attend this webinar and you will learn: Steps for formalizing your current state customer journey map.
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European Road Freight - from disruptions to solutions

The challenges that road freight has been facing in Europe The best solutions to avoid disruptions and mitigate losses Ways to navigate capacity constraints while reducing costs and using benchmark data to your advantage
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Blockchain in Supply Chains


You might have heard of something called Bitcoin, a digital currency enabled by blockchain technology. But what the heck is blockchain exactly? How does it work? Why should you care? Blockchain is a novel digital information technology that is expected to revolutionize the way transactional data is recorded and stored. And according to the Institute for the Future, blockchain will reinvent how business transactions happen and potentially disrupt all parts of the supply chain and logistics in every sector over the next decade. After we introduce the blockchain technology, smart contracts and an explanation about the difference between “public” and “enterprise” blockchain, some real-life examples of the most important blockchain based projects in transport, logistic and supply chain manangement will be shared.
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