How to use data analytics to optimise on-demand transport

This is the scenario that transit agencies, operators, municipalities and cities confront on a daily basis, particularly in the realm of urban mobility. Cities are struggling with a long list of mobility challenges. As populations swell and infrastructure ages, cities face ever-increasing commute times and greater congestion. The influx of new ride-sharing and alternative modes of transport leaves transportation planners without the data and tools needed to plan for the future of urban mobility for its citizens. Moovit Urban Mobility Analytics gives administrators the detailed insights needed for effective decision making and optimisation in all aspects of their cities’ urban mobility.
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Market Trends and the Case for Adding Parcel Shipping to your Freight TMS


In this 45-minute webinar co-sponsored by Cerasis, a leading North American 3PL focused on over-the-road transportation management solutions, and Pierbridge, whose Transtream technology powers some of the largest shipping operations in the world, including the Cerasis Rater TMS.
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Inventory Management Webinar

For 23 years we have been helping businesses fix their Inventory and yet we are seeing the SAME Issues appearing with many other businesses.You’ll soon be on your way to: Improved Customer Service. Increased Sales. and lower inventory investment.
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Shippers are utilizing dedicated transportation to secure contracted, consistent capacity

Sustained record consumer demand and market volumes have forced shippers to look at their transportation strategy differently. Many shippers have found dedicated transportation to be a valuable solution to their supply chain woes in helping to secure contracted, consistent capacity. Join Schneider’s Barry MacArthur, Haroon Syed and Bernardo Rodarte, along with Trevor Williams from LEGO, to learn:  Why the market is predicted to continue to experience sustained demand. What dedicated transportation is and when it’s a good fit for shipper networks. How Schneider’s shippers, like LEGO, have been utilizing dedicated transportation to respond to their supply chain challenges. How your organization can utilize dedicated transportation to obtain more capacity. Share your questions in an anonymous forum.
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Three ways IoT is shifting the future of transportation

Intelligent Transport

In this webinar, our speakers took a deep dive into how ‘Connected Transport’ is driving an IoT Revolution and how these three innovations are shifting the future of transportation.
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