Total Quality Logistics to Open Kansas City Office

Total Quality Logistics plans to open a new sales office in Kansas City, Missouri, on Nov. 14. It's the second location for the freight brokerage firm in the state. TQL opened up a location in St. Louis in 2015 with a team of five people, and the staff now has grown to about 40 employees. “Opening a new location in Kansas City helps us to build on the success we’ve had in Missouri the last two years with our St. Louis office,” said TQL President Kerry Byrne. “Our expansion plan is aggressive as we strive to offer more opportunities to be a world-class customer service provider in the logistics industry.”


SendCloud - Europe's number 1 shipping tool for online stores

SendCloud is Europe's number 1 shipping tool for online stores. We help online stores growing, by optimizing your shipping process.

Supply Chain

Enhancing Supply Chain Optimization with Emerging Technologies

Article | August 17, 2023

Leveraging technology and resources within a network is key to supply chain optimization. While supply chains are inherently complex, this complexity can lead to significant technological benefits. Contents 1 Overview and Importance of Emerging Technologies in Optimizing Supply Chain 2 Advantages of Incorporating Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Optimization 2.1 Autonomous Delivery 2.2 Cognitive Automation 2.3 Blockchain-enabled Traceability 2.4 Predictive Maintenance 3 Key Challenges in Adopting Emerging Technologies 3.1 Cost and Budget Constraints 3.2 Skills Gap in Talent 3.3 Privacy and Data Security Concerns 4 Overcoming Challenges 4.1 Adopting Technologies for Managing Budget and Cost 4.2 Developing Talent Pipeline 4.3 Implementing a Zero Trust Security Model 5 Future Outlook Supply chain optimization involves maximizing the utilization of technology and resources within a supply network. Although supply chains are inherently complex, this complexity can yield significant technological advantages, particularly when leveraging the combination of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. 1 Overview and Importance of Emerging Technologies in Optimizing Supply Chain Emerging technologies have transformed the supply chain industry and revolutionized business operations. AI, IoT, blockchain, and robotics are getting prominence with the ability to streamline supply chain processes, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and ultimately boost customer satisfaction. Implementing these technologies can give businesses real-time supply chain visibility, reducing waste and enhancing inventory management. Understanding the potential benefits of these emerging digital supply chain technologies and how they can be implemented within the supply chain is essential for any business that intends to stay in a competitive and rapidly evolving market. 2 Advantages of Incorporating Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Optimization Blending operations with emerging supply chain technologies can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of information flow, minimize manual intervention, and reduce lead times. Additionally, these technologies can provide enhanced visibility into supply chain operations, enable effective risk management, and facilitate proactive decision-making. 2.1 Autonomous Delivery Incorporating autonomous delivery that comes with self-driving vehicles benefits businesses beyond faster delivery times, lowers costs and reduces human error. It offers increased safety, greater flexibility, and improved resource management. It benefits industries like e-commerce and logistics, where quick and efficient delivery is crucial. 2.2 Cognitive Automation Businesses face significant challenges due to unpredictable fluctuations in supply and demand, which can strain their existing technology. To mitigate these risks, executives have increased their investments in risk management. Cognitive automation offers three key benefits in supply chain management: identifying challenges and opportunities, gathering demand signals, and utilizing data for decision-making. Cognitive automation makes balancing supply and demands more efficient and effective, allowing businesses to act faster. 2.3 Blockchain-enabled Traceability Blockchain technology, a distributed ledger system, enables secure, transparent, and traceable record-keeping across a supply chain network. By providing a tamper-proof record of product movement and quality, blockchain technology can enable businesses to verify the authenticity and integrity of their products at each stage of the supply chain. In addition, blockchain technology allows businesses to quickly trace product origins and identify affected batches during recalls. 2.4 Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance is a technology that uses machine learning algorithms and Internet of Things sensors to predict impending equipment failures. By analyzing equipment performance data, predictive analytics enables businesses to reduce equipment downtime, lower maintenance costs, and increase reliability. With predictive maintenance, businesses can transition from reactive to proactive maintenance, preventing equipment failures and extending equipment lifecycles. 3 3 Key Challenges in Adopting Emerging Technologies 3.1 Cost and Budget Constraints The executives in the supply chain industry face a significant challenge when adopting emerging supply chain technologies due to the associated costs and budget constraints. While these smart supply chain technologies offer long-term benefits, the upfront investment can deter businesses. Businesses need to consider the total cost of ownership, including implementation, training, ongoing maintenance costs, and the potential return on investment. 3.2 Skills Gap in Talent Incorporating emerging technologies and trends in supply chain operations management is a complex and costly investment that demands a highly skilled workforce to implement and operate such supply chain technologies successfully. A significant skills gap while adopting technology in the supply chain industry poses a challenge for businesses in finding and training competent personnel with technical, analytical, and business skills required to handle emerging technologies. 3.3 Privacy and Data Security Concerns As supply chain operations adopt cutting-edge technologies, companies must address privacy and data security issues. The use of technology requires the collection and dissemination of sensitive data across multiple parties, which raises security and privacy concerns that can be exploited by cybercriminals or unauthorized personnel. Failure to adequately address these issues may result in reputational harm, legal and financial penalties, and a loss of customer confidence. 4 Overcoming the Challenges 4.1 Adopting Technologies for Managing Budget and Cost To overcome the challenge of budget and cost constraints in adopting technology in the supply chain, businesses can leverage innovative tools, such as cost management software and advanced analytics tools, which can provide real-time visibility into cost drivers and enable better decision-making to optimize resource utilization. With the top three technologies in supply chain such as AI, IoT and blockchain, businesses can reduce costs, boost supply chain performance, and maintain market competitiveness. AI predicts demand, maximizes inventory and improves transportation; RPA automates manual tasks, reduces labor costs, and cloud computing provides a flexible and scalable IT infrastructure with reduced upfront investments. 4.2 Developing Talent Pipeline Businesses must invest in building a talent pipeline to ensure a steady supply of skilled employees to narrow the skills gap in the supply chain industry. Collaboration with educational institutions, in-house training programs, and managed service providers from the technology industry can all be part of the answer. The organization's competitiveness and success can be increased by creating a talent pipeline to fill the skills gap between the current workforce and the needs of emerging technologies. Businesses can keep their workforce current and ready to adopt new technologies in supply chain by investing in a talent pipeline. 4.3 Implementing a Zero Trust Security Model As businesses adopt emerging technologies for supply chain operations, privacy, and data security, concerns have become a formidable obstacle. The implementation of a zero-trust security model can aid in addressing this difficulty. Before gaining access to any data or system, all users and devices in this model must be authenticated as potential threats, per this model. This strategy protects data and systems from unauthorized access and enables businesses to comply with regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. In addition, it can provide supply chain visibility and control over data access in real-time, making it more effortless to detect and respond to security threats. 5 Future Outlook Supply chain leaders view emerging supply chain technology as a competitive advantage and as a means to address digital transformation. In addition, there is a focus on supply chain technologies that improve human decision-making and manage assets at the edge. Organizations should unify their technology portfolio and update legacy systems for greater efficiency. As supply chain complexity increases, we can expect even more advanced technology solutions leveraging big data, machine learning, and robotics to create agile, flexible, and sustainable supply chains.

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Supply Chain

Inventory Management Best Practices for Supply Chain Distribution

Article | May 26, 2023

Improve supply chain operations with innovative inventory management best practices. Uncover the techniques for achieving exceptional supply chain performance in the B2B competitive marketplace. Effective inventory management is critical for businesses seeking to optimize their supply chain operations and improve their warehousing & supply chain distribution efficiency. By employing demand optimization techniques, inventory management aims to strike the right balance between meeting current and anticipated future demand while minimizing unnecessary inventory costs. Organizations that maintain optimal inventory levels can mitigate challenges associated with inventory, such as overstocking and stockouts. In supply chain management, inventory optimization is vital, as it directly impacts organization’s ability to thrive. For any enterprise selling products, the effective management of goods is essential. Without adequate stock levels for sales or fulfilling customer orders, revenue generation and overall income can be severely hindered. Inefficient inventory management, leading to stock shortages, can create stumbling blocks for businesses. Conversely, improper stock tracking resulting in excess inventory can strain financial resources. As these issues compound, it further contributes to inventory imbalances, eventually leading to bottom-line losses from expired or redundant stock. According to a recent Statista survey, 40% of the supply chain industry has already adopted advanced technologies to optimize its inventory and using networking tools. The above data signifies the importance of optimizing and managing inventory for improved supply chain performance. Inventory analytics, typically overseen by an inventory manager, offer valuable insights that aid in understanding and enhancing inventory performance. Inventory management best practices help achieve effective inventory optimization, crucial data points encompassing products, suppliers, procurement, purchases, and sales that are meticulously tracked within the inventory management system. These data, in turn, serve as the foundation for formulating inventory metrics aimed at demand optimization. This article explains the techniques to optimize and manage inventory with the inventory management best practices that helps overcoming challenges, addressing procedural considerations, and highlighting the significance of implementing these methods. Additionally, it explores the benefits of adopting solution for improved supply chain distribution network. 1. Implementing Standard Inventory Review Systems To enhance supply chain operations, adopting standard inventory review system is essential, which can significantly contribute to inventory optimization efforts. Two effective methods to review systems include the continuous review system and periodic review system. In the continuous review system, fixed quantities of items are ordered in each cycle, providing a steady and consistent approach to inventory management. On the other hand, the periodic review system involves collecting products at predetermined intervals, considering the inventory levels at that specific moment. Embracing these standardized review systems empowers businesses to streamline inventory processes, maintain optimal stock levels, and improve overall supply chain efficiency. 2. Streamline Stocktake Supply chain operations can be improved by streamlining the stocktaking process, which involves meticulously counting and managing inventory. A well-structured stocktake procedure ensures accuracy and prevents losses by keeping staff engaged and focused. To achieve accuracy and earn profits, businesses must: Schedule stocktakes strategically to minimize disruption in regular business operations. Prioritize cleaning and organizing the stockroom before the stocktake to facilitate efficient counting. Clearly define the item count and the counting methods to eliminate guesswork. Conduct comprehensive stock counts, leaving no room for assumptions. By implementing these measures, businesses can optimize inventory management, identify discrepancies promptly, and maintain precise stock records. The streamlined stocktake process contributes to smoother supply chain operations, reduces inventory-related errors, and enhances overall productivity and profitability. 3. Utilize Cloud-Based Inventory Management System Transitioning from Excel inventory management to a cloud-based inventory management system is critical to enhancing supply chain operations. It is considered one of the most used inventory control best practices. Unlike locally-installed applications, cloud-based software offers numerous advantages, enabling businesses to pay for essential features and effortlessly upgrade as needs evolve. Companies can efficiently manage costs with a predictable subscription fee tailored to feature requirements and team size. Seamless upgrades become hassle-free as business growth justifies a move to a more robust platform, ensuring scalability. Additionally, cloud technology provides continuous support, ensuring smooth operations and quick issue resolution. With a dedicated support team on standby, businesses can focus on optimizing inventory management, managing warehouse automation, and driving overall productivity. Embracing cloud-based inventory management is a business-changing decision that unlocks increased agility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness for long-term success. 4. Implement Adequate Quality Control Practices Enhancing supply chain operations requires the implementation of robust quality control practices. Accurate quality control processes play a pivotal role in maintaining inventory quality, directly impacting customer satisfaction and business growth. Effective steps include developing comprehensive checklists, outlining stock-taking procedures, followed by standard operating procedures to qualify or disqualify products with effective warehouse management systems. By adhering to these protocols, businesses can prevent issues of overstocking or understocking, ensuring customers receive only appropriate merchandise. Companies can strengthen their reputation, increase operational efficiency, and cultivate lasting customer loyalty through this inventory optimization best practice. The seamless integration of quality control practices into the supply chain fosters a thriving business environment built on excellence and customer-centricity. 5. Preparing Well Planned Inventory Budget A well-structured inventory budget is one of the industry-used inventory management best practices to enhance logistics distribution and supply chain processes. Managers commonly utilize an annual inventory budget, meticulously prepared before procuring inventory. The budget is designed to encompass the total cost of ownership for the upcoming accounting period, encompassing materials cost, fixed operational expenses, transportation and logistics charges, redistribution costs, and other miscellaneous expenses impacting the inventory's total cost of ownership. By crafting a comprehensive inventory budget, businesses gain financial clarity, optimize resource allocation, and ensure efficient inventory management throughout the year. A well-planned budget empowers informed decision-making, minimizing financial risks and driving overall supply chain success. 6. Carrying Safety Stock Inventory Operations in the supply chain require safety stock inventory – a strategically maintained surplus of inventory to protect against market demand and lead time fluctuations. By implementing safety stock, businesses can avoid revenue loss, customer attrition, and declining market share that may arise in its absence. Safety stock is vital with the advantages it offers: Protection against sudden surges in demand. Prevention of stockouts, ensuring uninterrupted customer service. Compensation for inaccuracies in market forecasts. A buffer for longer-than-expected lead times, averting production delays. Incorporating safety stock as a fundamental inventory management best practice empowers companies to achieve operational supply chain resilience, optimize customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic market landscape. 7. Optimize Inventory Turnover Rates Optimizing inventory turnover rates is a critical metric that frequently measures inventory sold or used within a specific timeframe, typically a year. Calculating turnover rates provides valuable insights into market demand, identifies obsolete stock, and guides inventory management decisions. Inventory turnover can be improved through various strategies, such as experimenting with pricing to attract more customers and boost sales, liquidating obsolete stock to free up capital and storage space, forecasting customer demand accurately to maintain optimal inventory levels, and redistributing inventory among warehouses for better stock availability. By optimizing inventory turnover rates, businesses can reduce carrying costs, minimize stock obsolescence, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency, as well as gaining competitive advantage in the market. “It’s been my observation that the business world has a weak understanding of inventory management and control. They are trained shallowly, and sometimes they apply only shallow experience to their practices. Sometimes, that works out great. In my 30 years of experience, however, I have seen that a lot of money can be saved by training and managing inventory control in-depth.” -Inventory Control Expert Dr. Pyke Final Thoughts Adopting advanced inventory management best practices is crucial for supply chain optimization in the competitive B2B environment. Standardized inventory review systems and streamlined stocktakes optimize control and accuracy, minimizing disruptions. Cloud-based inventory management offers scalability and continuous support, facilitating data-driven decisions. Adequate quality control ensures inventory quality, driving customer loyalty. Well-planned budgets lead to financial clarity and precise resource allocation. Safety stock inventory and optimized turnover rates fortify businesses against uncertainties, boosting efficiency and profitability. By embracing these practices, logistics professionals can enhance supply chain potential, achieve lasting success, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. With a data-focused approach, these strategies pave the way for streamlined operations, stronger customer relationships, and sustained growth.

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Warehousing and Distribution

How does demurrage, detention, and port charges work.?

Article | June 27, 2023

Even though there are distinct differences between demurrage, detention and port charges, many are still oblivious to these differences and there have been several questions on this blog relating to these charges. This article is about how demurrage, detention, and port charges work. International Trade and CostsWhen it comes to international trade, majority of the buyers and sellers use Incoterms to decide what each other’s responsibilities and liabilities are in terms of the business, especially related to costs. Generally, there is very little room to manoeuvre in terms of additional and unbudgeted costs incurred on the shipment and therefore in their own interest it is important that the buyers and sellers take necessary precautions to ensure that all known costs relating to the business are discussed and finalised before the shipment commences. There are many entities involved in the process of shipping a container from Point A to Point B, each with their own cost component, all of which have to be covered either by the seller or the buyer. Demurrage, detention and port charges are just some of these costs that may be applicable in a shipment. While some of the port charges are valid and unavoidable, demurrage, detention and some of the port charges (like port storage, early arrival, late arrival, amendment, shifting etc) are entirely avoidable if everyone in the chain follows the process that they need to follow. What are port charges? Port charges, as the name suggests are a set of charges levied by the port or terminal which the container passes through.In terms of container shipments, port charges may include but not limited to below : Terminal Handling Charge (THC) Is quite simply the charge levied by the port for the loading and discharging of a container from the ship.. THC differs from port to port, terminal to terminal around the world and is charged both by the load port and discharge port.If the cargo is transhipped anywhere along the route, then the transhipment port also charges this THC but that is paid by the shipping line directly to the port and this quantum is usually included in the ocean freight charged by the line. Early Arrival Charge A charge levied by some of the ports/terminals for a container that arrives in the terminal BEFORE the stacks into which it is to be taken has been opened.. Early arrival can happen due to various reasons like a container missed the stacks for the previous vessel narrowly, but since the container is packed, it needs to be taken to the port, The acceptance of containers prior to the stacks/gate open is at the discretion of the Port/Terminal Operator and on the circumstances surrounding the operation of the vessels. Late Arrival Charge A late arrival charge is a charge levied by the port for a container that arrives in the terminal AFTER the stacks into which it is to be taken has been closed.. This could be due to delays in documentation, packing delays, inspection, trucking delays and many other situations.The acceptance of containers after the closing of stacks/gate is at the discretion of the Port/Terminal Operator and on the circumstances surrounding the operation of the vessels and if the containers can be accepted without disrupting the schedule of the vessel and ports. Stuffing/Destuffing of Containers Some ports/terminals allow the stuffing (packing)/de-stuffing (unpacking) of the containers within the port area and charge customers based on the port tariff.This activity may happen at ports that provide CFS services and allow containers to be packed or unpacked in the port or due to some mistakes when the cargo was originally packed – say incompatible hazardous cargoes packed together.Depending on the port/terminal/country, the port charges may be charged directly to the customer (importer or exporter) or to the shipping line, who in turn will charge this to the customer. Of course, this is not the full list of port charges but these charges have been mentioned as it relates to the subject under discussion,Demurrage and DetentionWhile some of these port charges may be unavoidable, demurrage and detention charges on the other hand are avoidable charges, but in a lot of cases due to mishandling, miscommunication, misunderstandings and not following the proper protocols, these charges occur..When they do occur, these charges may create quite a financial impact on the whole business and sometimes these costs could be so prohibitive that some customers abandon their cargoes at the destination due to these costs. Although the most common market practice is to combine demurrage and detention, there are several cases where these are charged separately, and therefore it is important to know the difference between demurrage and detention.

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Warehousing and Distribution

Top Certifications for Distribution & Warehousing Logistics Professionals

Article | July 11, 2023

Maintain a competitive advantage by effectively managing supply chain. Discover the potential opportunities and enhance the career in logistics with warehousing and distribution certificates. The rapidly changing and fiercely competitive business landscape necessitates that professionals must go an extra mile to maintain a leading edge and propel their careers forward. Taking the initiative to pursue warehousing and logistics certifications can significantly boost your career. By obtaining a recognized designation, you demonstrate a steadfast dedication to your profession, enhancing your appeal to potential employers. Furthermore, earning a respected certification can open doors to advancement opportunities and increase making potential within your current organization. Moreover, pursuing ongoing education offers rewards, keeping you engaged and ensuring you remain at the forefront of industry developments. 1. Supply Chain Warehousing Certificate Supply Chain Warehousing Certificate is a comprehensive program for individuals seeking expertise in warehousing and logistics. Developed by ASCM and Prologis, it covers essential topics such as inventory management, packaging, shipping, and sustainability in logistics. This self-paced course offers flexibility and can be accessed on mobile devices. Earning one of the exclusive warehousing and distribution certifications demonstrates your knowledge and expertise in managing inventory and helps you stand out in the competitive job market. Employers will recognize your ability to handle shipping processes, improve order fulfilment, and make informed transportation decisions. 2. SAP Extended Warehouse Management Training Enhance your expertise in warehousing management with this top-tier online certification course. Gain in-depth knowledge of extended warehouse management, including warehousing structures, expert data, and warehouse organization. This warehousing and distribution course includes techniques for processing received and shipping goods, slotting, replenishment methods, and physical inventory. Delivered through video and text-based modules, it provides comprehensive warehousing and distribution center operations training. In addition, this course will expand your career opportunities and help you excel in the dynamic field of warehousing management. 3. Storage and Distribution Certification Storage and Distribution Certification is a complete course that addresses the critical need for supply chain safety and integrity in today's complex logistics landscape. This supply chain warehousing certificate is focused on distribution and is designed for warehousing, logistics, and supply chain management professionals. The program covers supply chain visibility, risk management, and optimizing physical-flow networks. There are no specific eligibility criteria for this course, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge. By obtaining this one amongst many warehousing certifications in this course , you'll be equipped with the expertise to mitigate supply chain vulnerabilities, improve operational resilience, and meet the evolving demands of the modern marketplace. 4. Certified International Warehouse and Inventory Manager The Certified International Warehouse & Inventory Manager certification offered by Blue Ocean Academy in Dubai and Abu Dhabi provides professionals with comprehensive training in warehouse management. Blue Ocean Academy, recognized as an industry leader in this field, offers the best warehouse and inventory management training courses. The Warehouse Management Certification Program focuses on the strategic role of warehousing within the broader context of supply chain management and logistics. Participants will gain knowledge and skills in the latest methods for storing and safeguarding high-value inventories and best practices for modern warehousing. The program also covers techniques to achieve accurate record-keeping and successful cycle counting, methods for conducting warehouse audits, and the operational and financial performance aspects of warehousing. 5. Warehouse Excellence Certification (WAREX) Developed by the Institute of Supply Chain Management (IoSCM), Warehouse Excellence Certification (WAREX) helps to elevate your warehousing career. This logistics warehousing and distribution program offers a range of qualifications catering to professionals at various stages of their logistics, warehousing, and distribution journeys. WAREX covers a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge, from entry-level to strategic management positions. Whether you're new to the industry or a seasoned professional, this certification equips you with the expertise to optimize warehouse operations, enhance inventory management, and drive overall supply chain efficiency. 6. Six Sigma Certification in Warehousing: Overview & Career Options Six Sigma Certification in warehousing is a specialized program that equips professionals with the tools and methodologies to optimize warehouse operations, eliminate defects, and achieve near-perfect efficiency levels of 99.997%. By applying Six Sigma processes, businesses can identify and solve warehouse problems, resulting in improved customer satisfaction, increased revenue, reduced errors, efficient inventory management, and enhanced overall profitability. With this warehouse certification program, you'll stand out in the job market with higher employability, salary potential, and opportunities with renowned companies like Amazon, Samsung, Boeing, FedEx, DHL, and UPS. 7. Certified International Warehouse & Inventory Manager This certificate in warehousing management is specifically designed to equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the dynamic world of warehouse operations. This program covers a wide range of essential topics, from strategic warehouse management to inventory optimization and sustainable practices. Participants will learn about warehouse design, storage techniques, materials handling, inventory control, performance measurement, warehouse management systems, risk management, and sustainability. This warehousing and logistics certification is ideal for warehouse managers, logistics professionals, supply chain executives, and individuals seeking to enhance their expertise in warehouse operations. 8. WHSEOPSCERT - Warehouse Operations Certificate The Warehouse Operations Certificate program offers essential training to develop fundamental warehousing skills and gain certifications in material handling equipment. This program is crafted to enhance participants' employability within the warehousing and distribution industries. It covers various topics, including warehouse operations, supply chain fundamentals, order fulfillment, shipping concepts, and lift truck certification training. The courses provide a comprehensive understanding of warehouse functions, inventory management, storage procedures, supply chain principles, and problem-solving strategies. Upon completion, graduates will be equipped for entry-level positions such as Order Puller, Warehouse Technician, Logistics Analyst, and more. 9. JHSC Certification Part Two - Warehousing & Distribution The JHSC Certification Part Two - Warehousing & Distribution is an essential training program designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to recognize and control hazards within their warehousing and distribution workplaces. After completing both Part One and Part Two training, this certification is the final step in becoming a certified member of a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC). Aligned with the Ministry of Labour's JHSC Certification Training Program Standard, this interactive 2-day course strengthens participants' understanding of the RACE process (Recognition, Assessment, Control, and Evaluation) for all workplace hazards. Delivered by experienced health and safety experts familiar with the industry, this training covers sector-specific risks such as MSDs, slips and falls, motor vehicle incidents, unguarded machinery, unsafe material handling, and hazardous chemicals. Completing this certification ensures compliance with legal requirements, empowers individuals to make informed decisions regarding workplace safety, and enhances overall hazard management in the warehousing and distribution sector. 10. Warehouse Distribution, Continuing Education Workforce Certificate Warehouse Distribution Continuing Education Workforce Certificate is a comprehensive training program to equip individuals with the necessary skills for higher-skilled, frontline material handling roles within the supply chain industry. Ideal for individuals seeking employment in various supply chain facilities, such as warehouses, distribution centers, and transporters, this program prepares students for different job positions, including forklift operators, logistics specialists, freight handlers, and customer support representatives. By completing this certificate, learners will not only gain essential knowledge in waste reduction, logistics security, and forklift safety, but they will also have the opportunity to obtain the Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) credential from the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) and other relevant certificates. This certification provides a concrete foundation for entry-level careers in the logistics field and offers individuals a competitive edge in the job market. Conclusion Logistics and supply chain management professionals thrive on the exhilarating pace of constant change. Each day brings fresh challenges, opportunities, and innovative tools that enhance tracking, analysis, forecasting, and more. By actively pursuing a logistics or supply chain certification and diligently fulfilling the required continuing education hours, ensure that you remain at the forefront of these exciting industry advancements. This commitment positions you to leverage the latest insights and technologies, allowing you to optimize and streamline your supply chains for maximum efficiency. As a result, you stay ahead of the curve and empower your organization to achieve peak performance and drive continued success. Embrace the transformative power of certifications and embark on a journey of growth and excellence in logistics and supply chain management.

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SendCloud - Europe's number 1 shipping tool for online stores

SendCloud is Europe's number 1 shipping tool for online stores. We help online stores growing, by optimizing your shipping process.

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Logistics, Supply Chain

Delta Cargo launches e-commerce solution DeliverDirect in collaboration with SmartKargo

PR Newswire | January 31, 2024

Delta Cargo is excited to announce the launch of its newest product, DeliverDirect, developed in collaboration with SmartKargo. DeliverDirect is a door-to-door delivery service for the U.S. market, offering a competitive and customizable solution for e-commerce retailers seeking to optimize their direct-to-consumer shipping solutions. With DeliverDirect, Delta Cargo pioneers an innovative domestic carrier approach, providing swift service with transparent pricing for e-commerce and small parcel delivery. From initial warehouse pickup to delivery at the end consumer's doorstep, DeliverDirect is a fast, seamless, end-to-end service that upgrades traditional ground or air shipping services utilized by most current e-tailers. Small package shippers will benefit from increased shipping speeds, an uncomplicated pricing structure, proactive alert management, transparent tracking and reporting, and access to Delta's vast domestic network. "We are thrilled to introduce DeliverDirect, our new offer for the small parcel delivery market," shared Alison Ricker, Managing Director, Delta Cargo Global Sales. "Through our strategic collaboration with SmartKargo, DeliverDirect gives e-tailers an alternative transportation solution that fits their customers' requirements, and we envision that this service will prove to be a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution." The DeliverDirect offering can be tailored to shippers' needs with a variety of service innovations that empower customers to customize according to their unique preferences. These service innovations include: personalized pick-up times, geo-fenced notifications for consumers, multiple delivery attempts, signature-required deliveries, proof of delivery with photos, and access to advanced reporting features for a complete comprehensive service that aligns seamlessly with a variety of needs. "E-commerce shippers are looking for simple, faster and more reliable alternatives to deliver their products to consumers. Delta Cargo has a vision for small package delivery that will transform the U.S. market and continue to diversify their already robust offering in the air cargo market. Their innovative approach makes them a fantastic partner for SmartKargo, and we look forward to growing this service together," stated Milind Tavshikar, CEO and Founder of SmartKargo.

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Software and Technology, Sustainability, Supply Chain

GoBolt & Instock Team Up To Power Warehouse Efficiency & Drive Toward Self-Service Automation

PR Newswire | January 09, 2024

GoBolt, a technology company building the world's largest sustainable supply chain network, today announces it has partnered with Instock on a technology-driven warehouse initiative. GoBolt is already at the forefront of innovation in the logistics industry with its sustainable fleet and proprietary technology and now, by working with Instock, the company continues to blaze a trail in terms of advancing and simplifying logistics. Instock and GoBolt, united by their shared commitment to technology-driven efficiency and innovation, are partnering to integrate Instock's Automated Storage and Retrieval Solution (ASRS) into GoBolt's fulfillment centers. This collaboration, launching in January 2024, will enhance logistics operations by automating routine tasks, allowing warehouse associates to focus on more complex responsibilities. "GoBolt is committed to driving innovation in the traditional logistics sector through the development and adoption of groundbreaking technology. That's why our team is thrilled to partner with Instock on this exciting automation project," said Mark Ang, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of GoBolt. "In addition to advancing automation and improving efficiency for our brand partners, Instock allows our employees to dedicate their efforts to increasingly complex tasks. This is not only a win for warehouse productivity and safety, but also for employee satisfaction." Founded in 2020, Instock is a team grounded in deep experience in both engineering and operating technology for retailers in the U.S. and abroad. Their desire for more flexible and agile automation led them to embark on a mission to radically improve goods-to-person robotics with a simplified, soup to nuts rebuild. The result is their Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) offering, which delivers high-density goods-to-person automation with a flexible range of throughput rates. "We're inspired by what GoBolt is achieving for brands and retailers," said Yegor Anchyshkin, Instock's Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. "Just as impressively, the company is eager to explore and embrace new technologies, like automation, instead of waiting in the wings. When it comes to partnerships, ours with GoBolt is as natural and synergistic as it gets." Through this partnership, the two dynamic companies will redefine storage density and volume throughput boundaries within defined footprints, and lay the groundwork toward self-service in warehouse automation.

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Logistics, Supply Chain, Warehousing and Distribution

Harnessing the Transformative Power of Cold Chain Logistics with SSI Schaefer

SSI Schaefer | January 03, 2024

As average global temperatures rise and the demand for cold-chain storage grows worldwide, SSI Schaefer, a global leader in intralogistics and automated warehouses, is sharing best practices and key considerations on how logistics and operations managers can optimize efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cold storage warehouses. Cold storage warehouse managers -- particularly in the food and beverage industries, but also pharmaceutical distribution -- are facing the need to efficiently and effectively store, pick, retrieve, pack, and ship perishable and sensitive goods, which require special handling, monitoring, and carefully tuned environmental conditions. Yet they face additional challenges -- the cold-chain storage market is expanding, with some reports projecting a CAGR of 9% from 2023 to 2028, meaning that warehouse managers must balance surging demand for cold-stored goods with the increasing need to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. "What we are seeing for refrigerated supply chains is this pinch -- a need to do ever more with ever less," notes Carsten Spiegelberg, Managing Director - Middle East & Africa, SSI Schaefer. "To meet the growing complexities of the industry, it's not enough to find a quick fix. Companies need material flow experts with industry know-how to consider all angles of a facility and seamlessly blend cold-chain logistics solutions with individual processes." Cold chain storage solutions Careful planning is always the first step in optimizing temperature-controlled infrastructure. To increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cold storage warehouses, there are several factors to consider from the beginning. Optimizing air circulation and product storage density Since different products and comestibles require different storage temperatures, cold storage warehouse temperatures can range from -34°C to 0°C, with some even reaching 21°C. However, there is often a trade-off between storage density and air flow. Selecting the right storage system that enhances the cooled air circulation while increasing the storage density in the given facility footprint is critical in the planning phase. Semi-automated solutions for cold storage space optimization Ideal for deep-freeze facilities for bulk storage in the manufacturing sector and delivering maximum space utilization, channel storage setups with semi-automated drive-in racking systems are an accessible step towards automation, offering high throughput, enhanced safety, and reduced time for workers in refrigerated facilities. Capable of following either the Last in-First Out (LIFO) or the First in-Last Out (FIFO) principle, these systems use channel vehicles like SSI Orbiter® and a corresponding docking station to store and retrieve pallets. Compared to a static, manual pallet rack system, a mobile racking storage system is an effective way to boost storage capacity in a given space -- by up to 85%, while maintaining full selectivity typically required in distribution centers. This system involves racks that move along floor rails via electric motors to create an aisle only where needed, and it offers smart lighting that only activates in occupied aisles for reducing energy consumption, as well as a night parking option that optimizes rack spacing for maximal cold air circulation. Future-ready automation systems for a seamless, cost-optimized cold chain Due to the need for cold goods to maintain strict timetables and a closed cold chain, storage systems must handle incoming goods efficiently and cope with expected and unexpected upticks in demand. The best way to systematically manage the complexities of cold-chain material flows is with a fully automated storage system that seamlessly interconnects components, such as: Pallets Automated storage & retrieval systems (ASRSs): The SSI Exyz is an automated high-density storage system with extremely high space utilization, particularly in high-bay warehouses, and it saves 25% of energy compared to conventional machines while functioning across different temperatures. Shuttle solutions: As a future-proof, fully automated channel storage option, the SSI Lift & Run Shuttle System (SLR) provides simultaneous access to multiple racks for top-tier performance and high storage density. Other storage types Shuttle solutions for layer trays: For high-volume picking of goods such as comestibles for shop deliveries, tray shuttles and conveying systems enable fully automated robotic picking or support efficient semi-automatic goods-to-person picking. Storage solutions for container, bin and carton loads: For loads of varying dimensions, scalable solutions using SSI Miniload, Flexi Shuttle or Cuby maximize storage density while accommodating specific load and performance requirements to support automatic or semi-automatic case and piece picking. Platforms for central control of refrigerated facilities Although there are various warehouse automation technologies that track material flows, issues such as coordinating multiple systems often arise and there is a clear need for centralized monitoring and control -- particularly with the complexities of refrigerated facilities. To tie all aspects of a cold storage warehouse together, end-to-end software such as WAMAS® or SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) offer clear visualizations and comprehensive tools to manage processes, resources, and stock levels.

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Logistics, Supply Chain

Delta Cargo launches e-commerce solution DeliverDirect in collaboration with SmartKargo

PR Newswire | January 31, 2024

Delta Cargo is excited to announce the launch of its newest product, DeliverDirect, developed in collaboration with SmartKargo. DeliverDirect is a door-to-door delivery service for the U.S. market, offering a competitive and customizable solution for e-commerce retailers seeking to optimize their direct-to-consumer shipping solutions. With DeliverDirect, Delta Cargo pioneers an innovative domestic carrier approach, providing swift service with transparent pricing for e-commerce and small parcel delivery. From initial warehouse pickup to delivery at the end consumer's doorstep, DeliverDirect is a fast, seamless, end-to-end service that upgrades traditional ground or air shipping services utilized by most current e-tailers. Small package shippers will benefit from increased shipping speeds, an uncomplicated pricing structure, proactive alert management, transparent tracking and reporting, and access to Delta's vast domestic network. "We are thrilled to introduce DeliverDirect, our new offer for the small parcel delivery market," shared Alison Ricker, Managing Director, Delta Cargo Global Sales. "Through our strategic collaboration with SmartKargo, DeliverDirect gives e-tailers an alternative transportation solution that fits their customers' requirements, and we envision that this service will prove to be a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution." The DeliverDirect offering can be tailored to shippers' needs with a variety of service innovations that empower customers to customize according to their unique preferences. These service innovations include: personalized pick-up times, geo-fenced notifications for consumers, multiple delivery attempts, signature-required deliveries, proof of delivery with photos, and access to advanced reporting features for a complete comprehensive service that aligns seamlessly with a variety of needs. "E-commerce shippers are looking for simple, faster and more reliable alternatives to deliver their products to consumers. Delta Cargo has a vision for small package delivery that will transform the U.S. market and continue to diversify their already robust offering in the air cargo market. Their innovative approach makes them a fantastic partner for SmartKargo, and we look forward to growing this service together," stated Milind Tavshikar, CEO and Founder of SmartKargo.

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Software and Technology, Sustainability, Supply Chain

GoBolt & Instock Team Up To Power Warehouse Efficiency & Drive Toward Self-Service Automation

PR Newswire | January 09, 2024

GoBolt, a technology company building the world's largest sustainable supply chain network, today announces it has partnered with Instock on a technology-driven warehouse initiative. GoBolt is already at the forefront of innovation in the logistics industry with its sustainable fleet and proprietary technology and now, by working with Instock, the company continues to blaze a trail in terms of advancing and simplifying logistics. Instock and GoBolt, united by their shared commitment to technology-driven efficiency and innovation, are partnering to integrate Instock's Automated Storage and Retrieval Solution (ASRS) into GoBolt's fulfillment centers. This collaboration, launching in January 2024, will enhance logistics operations by automating routine tasks, allowing warehouse associates to focus on more complex responsibilities. "GoBolt is committed to driving innovation in the traditional logistics sector through the development and adoption of groundbreaking technology. That's why our team is thrilled to partner with Instock on this exciting automation project," said Mark Ang, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of GoBolt. "In addition to advancing automation and improving efficiency for our brand partners, Instock allows our employees to dedicate their efforts to increasingly complex tasks. This is not only a win for warehouse productivity and safety, but also for employee satisfaction." Founded in 2020, Instock is a team grounded in deep experience in both engineering and operating technology for retailers in the U.S. and abroad. Their desire for more flexible and agile automation led them to embark on a mission to radically improve goods-to-person robotics with a simplified, soup to nuts rebuild. The result is their Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) offering, which delivers high-density goods-to-person automation with a flexible range of throughput rates. "We're inspired by what GoBolt is achieving for brands and retailers," said Yegor Anchyshkin, Instock's Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. "Just as impressively, the company is eager to explore and embrace new technologies, like automation, instead of waiting in the wings. When it comes to partnerships, ours with GoBolt is as natural and synergistic as it gets." Through this partnership, the two dynamic companies will redefine storage density and volume throughput boundaries within defined footprints, and lay the groundwork toward self-service in warehouse automation.

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Logistics, Supply Chain, Warehousing and Distribution

Harnessing the Transformative Power of Cold Chain Logistics with SSI Schaefer

SSI Schaefer | January 03, 2024

As average global temperatures rise and the demand for cold-chain storage grows worldwide, SSI Schaefer, a global leader in intralogistics and automated warehouses, is sharing best practices and key considerations on how logistics and operations managers can optimize efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cold storage warehouses. Cold storage warehouse managers -- particularly in the food and beverage industries, but also pharmaceutical distribution -- are facing the need to efficiently and effectively store, pick, retrieve, pack, and ship perishable and sensitive goods, which require special handling, monitoring, and carefully tuned environmental conditions. Yet they face additional challenges -- the cold-chain storage market is expanding, with some reports projecting a CAGR of 9% from 2023 to 2028, meaning that warehouse managers must balance surging demand for cold-stored goods with the increasing need to reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. "What we are seeing for refrigerated supply chains is this pinch -- a need to do ever more with ever less," notes Carsten Spiegelberg, Managing Director - Middle East & Africa, SSI Schaefer. "To meet the growing complexities of the industry, it's not enough to find a quick fix. Companies need material flow experts with industry know-how to consider all angles of a facility and seamlessly blend cold-chain logistics solutions with individual processes." Cold chain storage solutions Careful planning is always the first step in optimizing temperature-controlled infrastructure. To increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cold storage warehouses, there are several factors to consider from the beginning. Optimizing air circulation and product storage density Since different products and comestibles require different storage temperatures, cold storage warehouse temperatures can range from -34°C to 0°C, with some even reaching 21°C. However, there is often a trade-off between storage density and air flow. Selecting the right storage system that enhances the cooled air circulation while increasing the storage density in the given facility footprint is critical in the planning phase. Semi-automated solutions for cold storage space optimization Ideal for deep-freeze facilities for bulk storage in the manufacturing sector and delivering maximum space utilization, channel storage setups with semi-automated drive-in racking systems are an accessible step towards automation, offering high throughput, enhanced safety, and reduced time for workers in refrigerated facilities. Capable of following either the Last in-First Out (LIFO) or the First in-Last Out (FIFO) principle, these systems use channel vehicles like SSI Orbiter® and a corresponding docking station to store and retrieve pallets. Compared to a static, manual pallet rack system, a mobile racking storage system is an effective way to boost storage capacity in a given space -- by up to 85%, while maintaining full selectivity typically required in distribution centers. This system involves racks that move along floor rails via electric motors to create an aisle only where needed, and it offers smart lighting that only activates in occupied aisles for reducing energy consumption, as well as a night parking option that optimizes rack spacing for maximal cold air circulation. Future-ready automation systems for a seamless, cost-optimized cold chain Due to the need for cold goods to maintain strict timetables and a closed cold chain, storage systems must handle incoming goods efficiently and cope with expected and unexpected upticks in demand. The best way to systematically manage the complexities of cold-chain material flows is with a fully automated storage system that seamlessly interconnects components, such as: Pallets Automated storage & retrieval systems (ASRSs): The SSI Exyz is an automated high-density storage system with extremely high space utilization, particularly in high-bay warehouses, and it saves 25% of energy compared to conventional machines while functioning across different temperatures. Shuttle solutions: As a future-proof, fully automated channel storage option, the SSI Lift & Run Shuttle System (SLR) provides simultaneous access to multiple racks for top-tier performance and high storage density. Other storage types Shuttle solutions for layer trays: For high-volume picking of goods such as comestibles for shop deliveries, tray shuttles and conveying systems enable fully automated robotic picking or support efficient semi-automatic goods-to-person picking. Storage solutions for container, bin and carton loads: For loads of varying dimensions, scalable solutions using SSI Miniload, Flexi Shuttle or Cuby maximize storage density while accommodating specific load and performance requirements to support automatic or semi-automatic case and piece picking. Platforms for central control of refrigerated facilities Although there are various warehouse automation technologies that track material flows, issues such as coordinating multiple systems often arise and there is a clear need for centralized monitoring and control -- particularly with the complexities of refrigerated facilities. To tie all aspects of a cold storage warehouse together, end-to-end software such as WAMAS® or SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) offer clear visualizations and comprehensive tools to manage processes, resources, and stock levels.

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