The Most Important Metric for Sales Leaders in Subscription Businesses to Track and Use to Drive Revenue Growth

Subscription businesses that charge customers monthly for using their offerings are expanding rapidly in response to consumers’ and b-to-b buyers’ desire to try a product and walk away easily if they’re not achieving the expected value. However, the subscription-based business model puts tremendous pressure on sales organizations to facilitate a seamless transition between the buyer and customer journey and ensure customers are seeing the value they were promised during their evaluation. Many sales leaders are drowning in data and struggling to figure out what key metrics they should track to reveal their progress in growing subscription revenue. One powerful, simple metric enables sales leaders to pull the right levers to grow revenue: the ratio of customer lifetime value (LTV) to customer acquisition cost (CAC).


Hackbarth Delivery Service

We are a privately held, certified woman owned business delivering KYSO®- knock your socks off- service since 1975! Hackbarth Delivery Service is a leader in the transportation, warehousing and logistics industry with 24 warehouse terminals in nine states and 17 agent networks. We offer nationwide coverage and specialize in daily service throughout the entire southeastern and mid-western United States...

Warehousing and Distribution

7 Best Practices for Multi-Channel Inventory Management

Article | July 11, 2023

Enhance operational efficiency by implementing industry-approved methods for multi-channel inventory management. Taking a holistic approach to control inventory helps multiple sales channels grow. Multi-channel inventory management is a crucial aspect of the supply chain process that ensures the goods are available to customers through different sales channels. However, with growing penetration of ecommerce technologies and the increasing complexity of supply chain networks, managing inventory across multiple channels has become daunting for businesses. The ability to accurately track inventory levels, ensure stock availability across channels, and optimize fulfillment processes has become critical to achieve success in today's competitive business landscape. Managing inventory across multiple channels require real-time visibility and tracking of inventory levels which further streamlines the complex process. Inaccurate inventory data can lead to stockouts, overstocking, and lost sales, negatively impacting the business's bottom line. To combat these challenges, businesses must implement a robust multi-channel inventory management system to track inventory across all channels, synchronize stock levels, and automate order fulfillment processes. An inventory management system can offer businesses a consolidated view of inventory at various locations, such as warehouses, stores, and even online channels. An organized approach is crucial while managing multi-channel inventory or keeping track of moving inventory. Implementing an effective inventory management procedure, managing multi-channel inventory becomes more streamlined and simplified, as well as provides a comprehensive overview. In addition, as businesses continue to expand their sales channels, multi-channel inventory management has become a vital component of supply chain management. By adopting best practices in multi-channel inventory management, businesses can ensure on-demand access, accurate inventory data, and seamless order fulfilment processes. Additionally, implementing the right procedures will allow organizations to observe an increase in customer satisfaction and experience significant business growth. The article takes an in-depth look at key benefits, potential challenges, procedural considerations, and the significance of multi-channel inventory management. It delves into the impact of this approach on supply chain performance while providing valuable insights into best practices. 1. Centralize Inventory Management Process Centralizing multi-channel inventory helps manage supply chain businesses across various channels and locations. Businesses can gain better visibility and control over their inventory processes by consolidating inventory data. However, centralizing inventory management is not without its challenges. One of the major obstacles faced by organizations is ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data across different locations and channels. Another barrier is integrating various inventory management tools and technologies into a single system. Despite these challenges, centralizing inventory management offers significant benefits, including improved efficiency and reduced costs. In addition, businesses can leverage cloud-based inventory management software and standard operating procedures to centralize and optimize inventory management processes effectively. 2. Adopt Lean Inventory Management Approach The lean inventory management approach is adequate for managing multi-channel inventory in supply chain businesses. This approach involves reducing excess inventory and only stocking items in demand. While implementation of the approach is complex due to the need for accurate demand forecasting and inventory tracking, it offers multiple advantages, such as reduced inventory carrying costs, improved cash flow, and increased customer satisfaction. To implement a lean inventory management approach in the supply chain business, follow these steps: Conduct inventory analysis Categorize items based on value and demand Implement just-in-time (JIT) replenishment Leverage forecasting tools Establish cycle counting and monitoring procedures Strive for continuous process improvement This approach helps businesses achieve better inventory accuracy, increase operational agility, and meet customer demands across multiple channels. 3. Utilize ABC Inventory Analysis ABC inventory analysis is a widely used best practice for multi-channel inventory management in the supply chain. This method categorizes inventory based on its level of importance to the business. ABC inventory analysis categorizes goods into A, B, and C categories based on their impact on overall inventory cost. Category A consists of the most valuable products, category B includes items that fall in between, and category C covers small transactions that are vital for overall profit but have less individual impact. Supply chain businesses can prioritize their resources and make informed decisions by focusing on high-value inventory. However, implementing this method can be challenging, especially when dealing with extensive inventory data. To successfully address challenges associated with implementing ABC inventory analysis for multi-channel inventory management, businesses must focus on accurate data classification, utilization of advanced analytics tools, and fostering effective team collaboration. 4. Optimize Order Management Process Optimizing order management involves automating and streamlining order fulfilment for efficient and accurate processing across sales channels. The process ensures optimal inventory control, minimizes fulfilment time, and enhances customer satisfaction, providing a competitive advantage. Aligning inventory levels with actual demand prevents overstocking and reduces holding costs. Additionally, businesses can efficiently allocate inventory from various sources to fulfil orders, reducing the need for excess storage and transportation. The optimization is achieved by adopting automation, system integration, and data analysis. In addition, comprehensive multi-channel order management system offers multiple benefits, including native e-commerce integrations, flexible order fulfilment options, multi-location inventory management, integrated POS capabilities, data-driven inventory planning, and workflow automation, among others. 5. Integrate Sales Channels Integrating sales channels provides businesses with a unified view of inventory, sales, and customer data, enabling informed decision-making based on real-time information. It helps accurately track products across channels as well as adjust inventory levels based on individual selling rates. The process involves synchronizing channels through a centralized system, ensuring seamless data flow and consistent product information. It includes setting up API integrations, mapping inventory, and conducting thorough testing for smooth order processing. To implement the integration, businesses must utilize technology solutions like inventory management software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Additionally, it establishes clear communication channels among teams managing different sales channels. 6. Set Cross-Channel Metrics Cross-channel metrics measure and analyze each sales channel's performance, including online & offline sales, and identify areas for improvement. To set cross-channel metrics for multi-channel inventory, businesses must identify relevant metrics, establish benchmarks, and regularly monitor and evaluate performance. Implementing cross-channel metrics allows businesses to make data-driven decisions based on actual performance rather than relying on assumptions or incomplete data. In addition, supply chain businesses can leverage technology solutions, such as cloud-based inventory management software, to manage and consolidate their data sources effectively. Enforcing cross-channel metrics in multi-channel inventory management helps overcome several challenges, such as lack of visibility across sales channels, difficulty in identifying slow-moving products, and inefficiencies in resource allocation. 7. Automate Supply chain Automating the supply chain and implementing advanced software systems helps businesses to optimize supply chain processes. Automation reduces manual errors, enhances efficiency, and improves overall productivity. It enables real-time inventory tracking, seamless order processing, and accurate demand forecasting. Businesses can easily overcome manual inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and data discrepancies by automating the supply chain process. The process includes integration of automation tools like inventory management software, order management systems, and warehouse management systems. The systems integrate with sales channels, suppliers, and logistics partners to automate order processing, inventory tracking, and shipment management tasks. Ultimately, businesses achieve better inventory control, faster order fulfilment, and increased customer satisfaction by automating supply chain operations. Final Thoughts As the supply chain market evolves, businesses must adopt innovative approaches for multi-channel inventory management. Incorporating additional sales channels into conventional brick-and-mortar operations presents a valuable opportunity to expand customer reach, boost sales, and enhance the overall customer experience. To effectively implement multi-channel sales and inventory management within a retail organization, acquiring a robust retail management system capable of efficiently monitoring inventory levels and facilitating business growth becomes essential. The adoption of an effective system can assist businesses to ensure seamless inventory control and propel sustained success in the competitive market.

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Warehousing and Distribution

Enhancing Supply Chain Optimization with Emerging Technologies

Article | July 17, 2023

Leveraging technology and resources within a network is key to supply chain optimization. While supply chains are inherently complex, this complexity can lead to significant technological benefits. Contents 1 Overview and Importance of Emerging Technologies in Optimizing Supply Chain 2 Advantages of Incorporating Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Optimization 2.1 Autonomous Delivery 2.2 Cognitive Automation 2.3 Blockchain-enabled Traceability 2.4 Predictive Maintenance 3 Key Challenges in Adopting Emerging Technologies 3.1 Cost and Budget Constraints 3.2 Skills Gap in Talent 3.3 Privacy and Data Security Concerns 4 Overcoming Challenges 4.1 Adopting Technologies for Managing Budget and Cost 4.2 Developing Talent Pipeline 4.3 Implementing a Zero Trust Security Model 5 Future Outlook Supply chain optimization involves maximizing the utilization of technology and resources within a supply network. Although supply chains are inherently complex, this complexity can yield significant technological advantages, particularly when leveraging the combination of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. 1 Overview and Importance of Emerging Technologies in Optimizing Supply Chain Emerging technologies have transformed the supply chain industry and revolutionized business operations. AI, IoT, blockchain, and robotics are getting prominence with the ability to streamline supply chain processes, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and ultimately boost customer satisfaction. Implementing these technologies can give businesses real-time supply chain visibility, reducing waste and enhancing inventory management. Understanding the potential benefits of these emerging digital supply chain technologies and how they can be implemented within the supply chain is essential for any business that intends to stay in a competitive and rapidly evolving market. 2 Advantages of Incorporating Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Optimization Blending operations with emerging supply chain technologies can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of information flow, minimize manual intervention, and reduce lead times. Additionally, these technologies can provide enhanced visibility into supply chain operations, enable effective risk management, and facilitate proactive decision-making. 2.1 Autonomous Delivery Incorporating autonomous delivery that comes with self-driving vehicles benefits businesses beyond faster delivery times, lowers costs and reduces human error. It offers increased safety, greater flexibility, and improved resource management. It benefits industries like e-commerce and logistics, where quick and efficient delivery is crucial. 2.2 Cognitive Automation Businesses face significant challenges due to unpredictable fluctuations in supply and demand, which can strain their existing technology. To mitigate these risks, executives have increased their investments in risk management. Cognitive automation offers three key benefits in supply chain management: identifying challenges and opportunities, gathering demand signals, and utilizing data for decision-making. Cognitive automation makes balancing supply and demands more efficient and effective, allowing businesses to act faster. 2.3 Blockchain-enabled Traceability Blockchain technology, a distributed ledger system, enables secure, transparent, and traceable record-keeping across a supply chain network. By providing a tamper-proof record of product movement and quality, blockchain technology can enable businesses to verify the authenticity and integrity of their products at each stage of the supply chain. In addition, blockchain technology allows businesses to quickly trace product origins and identify affected batches during recalls. 2.4 Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance is a technology that uses machine learning algorithms and Internet of Things sensors to predict impending equipment failures. By analyzing equipment performance data, predictive analytics enables businesses to reduce equipment downtime, lower maintenance costs, and increase reliability. With predictive maintenance, businesses can transition from reactive to proactive maintenance, preventing equipment failures and extending equipment lifecycles. 3 3 Key Challenges in Adopting Emerging Technologies 3.1 Cost and Budget Constraints The executives in the supply chain industry face a significant challenge when adopting emerging supply chain technologies due to the associated costs and budget constraints. While these smart supply chain technologies offer long-term benefits, the upfront investment can deter businesses. Businesses need to consider the total cost of ownership, including implementation, training, ongoing maintenance costs, and the potential return on investment. 3.2 Skills Gap in Talent Incorporating emerging technologies and trends in supply chain operations management is a complex and costly investment that demands a highly skilled workforce to implement and operate such supply chain technologies successfully. A significant skills gap while adopting technology in the supply chain industry poses a challenge for businesses in finding and training competent personnel with technical, analytical, and business skills required to handle emerging technologies. 3.3 Privacy and Data Security Concerns As supply chain operations adopt cutting-edge technologies, companies must address privacy and data security issues. The use of technology requires the collection and dissemination of sensitive data across multiple parties, which raises security and privacy concerns that can be exploited by cybercriminals or unauthorized personnel. Failure to adequately address these issues may result in reputational harm, legal and financial penalties, and a loss of customer confidence. 4 Overcoming the Challenges 4.1 Adopting Technologies for Managing Budget and Cost To overcome the challenge of budget and cost constraints in adopting technology in the supply chain, businesses can leverage innovative tools, such as cost management software and advanced analytics tools, which can provide real-time visibility into cost drivers and enable better decision-making to optimize resource utilization. With the top three technologies in supply chain such as AI, IoT and blockchain, businesses can reduce costs, boost supply chain performance, and maintain market competitiveness. AI predicts demand, maximizes inventory and improves transportation; RPA automates manual tasks, reduces labor costs, and cloud computing provides a flexible and scalable IT infrastructure with reduced upfront investments. 4.2 Developing Talent Pipeline Businesses must invest in building a talent pipeline to ensure a steady supply of skilled employees to narrow the skills gap in the supply chain industry. Collaboration with educational institutions, in-house training programs, and managed service providers from the technology industry can all be part of the answer. The organization's competitiveness and success can be increased by creating a talent pipeline to fill the skills gap between the current workforce and the needs of emerging technologies. Businesses can keep their workforce current and ready to adopt new technologies in supply chain by investing in a talent pipeline. 4.3 Implementing a Zero Trust Security Model As businesses adopt emerging technologies for supply chain operations, privacy, and data security, concerns have become a formidable obstacle. The implementation of a zero-trust security model can aid in addressing this difficulty. Before gaining access to any data or system, all users and devices in this model must be authenticated as potential threats, per this model. This strategy protects data and systems from unauthorized access and enables businesses to comply with regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. In addition, it can provide supply chain visibility and control over data access in real-time, making it more effortless to detect and respond to security threats. 5 Future Outlook Supply chain leaders view emerging supply chain technology as a competitive advantage and as a means to address digital transformation. In addition, there is a focus on supply chain technologies that improve human decision-making and manage assets at the edge. Organizations should unify their technology portfolio and update legacy systems for greater efficiency. As supply chain complexity increases, we can expect even more advanced technology solutions leveraging big data, machine learning, and robotics to create agile, flexible, and sustainable supply chains.

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Supply Chain

Emerging Trends in Supply Chain Management

Article | August 17, 2023

Supply chain is the backbone of any business. Since there is a supply chain in existence, you can buy whatever product you want. The supply chain is evolving since the Industrial Revolution, and it is still changing, and the evolution journey is fascinating. Before moving forward with the article, first, let's understand supply chain and supply chain management. What is a Supply Chain? A supply chain is an entire process of producing and selling commercial goods, beginning with the procurement of raw materials and ending with the distribution and sale of the goods. The supply chain ensures that a product is available in the right place, at the right time, and the lowest possible cost while ensuring the product quality. The supply chain aims to provide the maximum value to the customer at the minimum likely costs. The supply chain is the single most significant expense for businesses, and it provides them with a tremendous opportunity to improve and increase savings and profit margins. The price of most products is competitive in the market, but the supply chain determines the product's profit margin. The demand for products and services fluctuates for various reasons, and meeting this fluctuating demand with a higher degree of quality requires knowledge of supply chain management. Effective supply chain management is essential for any business to compete in the market. What is Supply Chain Management? Supply chain management is an essential factor in a business's long-term success. The management of how goods and services evolve from raw materials to products sold to consumers is known as supply chain management. It includes the processes of transporting and storing raw materials, storing finished goods until they sell, and tracking where sold goods go so that you can use the data to boost future sales. Supply Chain Management includes all aspects of business activities, including logistics, purchasing, and information technology. Materials, finances, suppliers, manufacturing plants, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers are all combined into a single system. A business with a well-managed supply chain can significantly reduce all operating costs associated with that chain, resulting in higher profits. The main goal of effective supply chain management is to increase profitability by improving customer satisfaction and reducing business costs. Profits improve as expenses are in control and reduced when possible. When the costs of purchasing raw materials and manufacturing goods drop, the operating costs also decrease. Challenges in Supply Chain Management There are many challenges related to supply chain management. In this section, we will focus on some of the most significant supply chain management challenges. • Visibility: It is a significant issue in supply chain management. Businesses are unable to track all international cargo. The majority of data on the ocean or air shipments is often unavailable. Between 2008 and 2016, an average of 600 containers lost at sea (it does not include catastrophic incidents). These figures are concerning because the amount of cargo shipped over time is rapidly rising. • Uncertainty: Uncertainty has been difficult in supply chain management. Demand planning is essential because many businesses have massive amounts of leftovers. If it is perishable, it is thrown away. There is a lot of waste, and it's all because of bad planning. In addition, initial raw materials may be unreliable, or lead time may be unpredictable. It isn't easy to be confident of any part of the supply chain, mainly because it is an extensive system. • Customer Service: Supply chain management is all about getting the right product to the correct location at the right time. It seems easy at first, but it can quickly become complicated. • Cost Management: Increasing energy/fuel and freight costs, a more significant number of global customers, technology, rising labor wages, new regulations, and rising commodity prices all strain operating costs. • Planning and Risk Management: Annual reviews and redesigns are needed to be efficient and effective. These changes are in reaction to market changes, such as new product releases, global sourcing, credit availability, and the need to protect intellectual property. To monitor and minimize these threats, they must be identified and quantified. • Supplier/Partner Relationship Management: It is crucial to create, understand, and follow mutually agreed standards to understand current performance and areas for improvement better. Using two separate approaches to measure and communicate performance results is a waste of time and resources. Trusting the system that was in place to ensure consistency and better supplier/partner relationships is necessary. Emerging Trends in Supply Chain The supply chain process is continuously evolving. The emerging supply chain and logistics trends prioritize intelligent, tech-driven management to minimize operational costs and enhance efficiency. The logistics and supply chain aspect is vital for any business in supplying high-quality raw materials, ensuring an efficient manufacturing process, and tracking, shipping, and storing finished goods. Companies that implement well-designed supply chain practices can satisfy customer needs more quickly and efficiently. This improves customer relationships and loyalty, resulting in increased revenue and the acquisition of new customers through positive word of mouth. Let's look at some significant emerging trends that are expected to shape and develop supply chain operations in the future. Digitization of Supply Chains Digitization is the process of reinventing logistics operations by combining the latest technology with other physical and digital assets. Digitization allows us to better adapt to the fast-paced, highly competitive, omnichannel business environment. Digitization increases the speed, dynamics, and resiliency of supply chain operations, resulting in improved customer responsiveness and, ultimately, increased revenue. Companies that embrace digitalization can gain genuine value, improved revenue, and market valuation. Companies should significantly redesign their supply chain strategy to gain the full benefits of digitization. It is not enough to decorate it with digital technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) occupies a significant position in digitalization as a highly transformational technology solution in the logistics sphere. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected computing devices that allows data to be sent over networks without human input. It assists businesses in monitoring inventory, managing warehouse stock, optimizing fleet routes, and reducing dead miles. Artificial Intelligence Advanced Artificial Intelligence solutions have several uses in the supply chain, particularly in the warehousing area. The procurement process involves using gesture recognition solutions instead of keyboard and mouse. It also includes self-driving vehicles, which are designed to navigate without human assistance. In the supply chain, the concept of robotics and automation is widely implemented. The new generation of robots is easier to program, more flexible, and more affordable. Their job is to help employees with repetitive and physically challenging tasks. Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility Proper supply chain data analysis can significantly boost business forecasting and decision-making. It can also optimize the use of inventory management, storage, and transportation resources. Supply chain visibility provides information on what is happening at each stage of the supply chain. It is crucial for the overall efficiency of the supply chain process, which includes sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, and delivery. Real-time inventory management is one of the advantages of enhanced chain visibility. It uses mobile point-of-sale systems and sensors, and it elevates inventory management to a whole new level. For example, instead of paying for purchased goods at a store, customers can take the desired products and have the products immediately charged to their credit and debit cards. Furthermore, real-time inventory management allows for the replacement of goods as they are consumed. Circular Supply Chain The term "linear supply chain" refers to the traditional concept where goods travel in a straight line (from raw material to finished product). Modern logistics techniques are focused on the circular supply chain idea, which involves reusing previously, used products as raw materials. Reusing products and materials is referred to as reverse logistics, and it is a novel and innovative technique. It assists businesses in reducing administrative and transportation expenses, increasing sustainability, improving customer service and loyalty, creating value, and conserving resources. Used products can be kept in circulation if businesses work together with their suppliers and customers. More focus on Risk Management and Supply Chain Resiliency Without a doubt, companies must seriously consider supply chain risk management as a means to prepare for unfavorable circumstances. The increasing use of outsourcing, offshoring, product versatility, supply chain security, and significant interdependence across the supply chain highlights the need to deal with risks in the supply chain. However, no matter how solid the plan is, it cannot prevent errors from happening. Here's where supply chain resilience comes into play. It is an accurate indicator of a company's ability to survive disruptive circumstances. Visibility throughout the supply chain is necessary to detect disruptions, close collaboration with suppliers and distributors so that alternative supply routes can be found, and a good incident response plan to provide a course of action when disruption occurs are all steps that are important to make the supply chain more flexible and resilient. Use of SaaS in the Supply Chain The software-as-a-service (SaaS) Sapproach is growing in popularity in supply chain technology and logistics management and the growth of cloud computing. This is primarily due to SaaS's security and safety and the convenience of paying for precisely the services you require. Companies can avoid the high fixed costs of system maintenance, upgrades, and infrastructure-related expenditures by using SaaS. Supply chains are continuously evolving technology, and the diversity of employee skill sets is playing an essential role in this evolution. Organizations are becoming more conscious of changes in their market competition and continuously updating or even reinventing their market offering to maintain and develop their market positioning. Many companies are already turning to technology to improve their supply chain operations; however, before new systems are implemented and employees are upskilled to adapt to new ways of working, existing processes must be reviewed to eliminate waste activities from the supply chain, and data must be cleansed. To meet consumer demands, supply chains must be constantly checked for efficiency improvements and aligned with corporate strategy. At present, many organizations are reviewing the length of their supply chains, intending to minimize the overall size and bring supply chains closer to the organization or the end consumer, reduce risk exposure, eliminate waste, and align with corporate strategy. FAQ’s • What are the three foundations of supply chain? The three foundations of a supply chain are strategy, service, and cost. Aligning the strategy, service and cost is essential to support your company’s overall business growth and objectives. A good strategy along with good service and reduced costs helps in increasing profitability and customer satisfaction. • What are the pillars of supply chain? Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return are the pillars of supply chain. Planning involves strategies and methods to be planned, Sourcing means procuring raw materials and other services, Making means manufacturing, Deliver means ensuring that the products reach the customers on time and Return means post delivery customer support that is associated with all kinds of returned products. • Why supply chain management is important? The management of how goods and services evolve from raw materials to products sold to consumers is known as supply chain management. It includes the processes of transporting and storing raw materials, storing finished goods until they sell, and tracking where sold goods go so that you can use the data to boost future sales. A business with a well-managed supply chain can significantly reduce all operating costs associated with that chain, resulting in higher profits. The main goal of effective supply chain management is to increase profitability by improving customer satisfaction and reducing business costs. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the three foundations of supply chain?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The three foundations of a supply chain are strategy, service, and cost. Aligning the strategy, service and cost is essential to support your company’s overall business growth and objectives. A good strategy along with good service and reduced costs helps in increasing profitability and customer satisfaction." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the pillars of supply chain?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return are the pillars of supply chain. Planning involves strategies and methods to be planned, Sourcing means procuring raw materials and other services, Making means manufacturing, Deliver means ensuring that the products reach the customers on time and Return means post delivery customer support that is associated with all kinds of returned products." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why supply chain management is important?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The management of how goods and services evolve from raw materials to products sold to consumers is known as supply chain management. It includes the processes of transporting and storing raw materials, storing finished goods until they sell, and tracking where sold goods go so that you can use the data to boost future sales. A business with a well-managed supply chain can significantly reduce all operating costs associated with that chain, resulting in higher profits. The main goal of effective supply chain management is to increase profitability by improving customer satisfaction and reducing business costs." } }] }

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3 Ways to Benchmark to Boost Supply Chain Performance

Article | April 20, 2021

You might be wondering what the benefits are of benchmarking. Well, imagine you are training for a 100 metre sprint in your district. What would be the key number, or metric that you would need to know? It would, of course, be what the winning time was when this race was last run in your district. Without that information, you don’t know what you’re trying to target. It would be impossible to know if you’ll have any chance at all of winning the race. It’s exactly the same in business. If, for example, you are concerned about the pick rates in your warehouse, or your transport costs, or your inventory accuracy, benchmarking can help you because it can show you exactly where your performance is compared to others in your industry. A few years ago, I was working with an automotive parts business. They had a little issue with their picking productivity in the warehouse. They wondered how good it was, whether they could improve it. They actually thought it was okay. We looked at the figures and compared them with other businesses. This helped us realise that their picking productivity should be three times better than it was. And believe it or not, over a few months they did begin to improve their productivity. Why? Because benchmarking opened their eyes to the fact that they were at a level quite far below others in the industry. That’s the beauty of benchmarking. Until you know what others are doing, you can’t be sure how good your performance is. If you’ve never tried benchmarking, there are three ways you could do it. 1. Informal Benchmarking This exercise would involve you measuring particular functions or aspects of your business and comparing that against other parts of your business. Let’s say you have a warehouse operating in one city and another operating in another city. You might start to measure the same metrics and see which one is performing better. You might know other people in the industry who are also operating warehouses so you might agree to share some data with them. This is probably the easiest way to start off, but it has some downsides: You’re only measuring against a very small sample size. If all of you in the pool are not that good, how would you know what good is? You have to make sure that the businesses are similar and you are measuring things in exactly the same way. It’s very important in benchmarking to have a standard way of applying the metric. 2. Formal Benchmarking This can work for much larger businesses. Perhaps you have operations in many different countries. You could agree a formal structure for how you are going to measure performance. You could do monthly or quarterly benchmarks with all the parts of your international organisation. You could learn from each other and share best practice. This method is okay but you’re not getting access to a very large pool of results to measure yourself against. You will find that companies are very reluctant to give out benchmarking data. You might also be operating in an environment where the performance is quite low right across the business. 3. Hire a Professional Benchmarking Firm This is the ultimate way to do it, although there are not a lot of professional benchmarking firms such as ours around. If you do manage to find one, you will quickly realise that there are significant benefits to be had by bringing in the professionals: The metrics are put together in exactly the same way: When we do a benchmarking exercise for our consulting clients, we go through a very robust data-gathering process and then make sure all the costs, for example, are in the same buckets as everyone else’s in the database. You gain access to a big pool of results: Professionals have measured hundreds, if not thousands, of companies. This enables you to say, ‘Our company is this size, it operates in this industry, these are the characteristics of our supply chain, who else in that pool of results is like us? We want to be measured against them.” It’s no good measuring the performance of a grocery retailer, for example, against an industrial product supplier. They have different supply chains. You need to be measuring like with like.

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Hackbarth Delivery Service

We are a privately held, certified woman owned business delivering KYSO®- knock your socks off- service since 1975! Hackbarth Delivery Service is a leader in the transportation, warehousing and logistics industry with 24 warehouse terminals in nine states and 17 agent networks. We offer nationwide coverage and specialize in daily service throughout the entire southeastern and mid-western United States...

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SiriusDecisions since around the time when Rich Eldh and John Neeson gave birth to the company. I’ve found their frameworks especially useful in helping focus my teams’ actions and report on the value of our contributions. Perhaps you’ve found the same. For many years, the SiriusDecisions Demand Waterfall has been used as the standard framework for managing demand generation processes. The beauty of the original Demand Waterfall was its clarity and simplicity. Built as a useful guide, it was never meant to become “the law.” Yet over the past few years, many marketers have found themselves ensnared by a rigid, faithful type of application. From helpful leading indicators, we’ve created rigid sets of KPIs that lock us into a way of doing things and shape how we “see” our world. A host of short-sighted KPIs are now constraining our ability to innovate. At worst, they’re locking us into counterproductive behaviors that actually hurt our ROI. I’m talking here about KPIs that drive up volumes even as they drive down quality; about filters that ignore tangible evidence of demand in favor of titles and contacts at accounts that aren’t in the market at all. The newly announced SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall concept contains major insights that could open the door to a new wave of progress. These observations should help keep many of us from going over the falls in a barrel crafted of our own short-sightedness.

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SiriusDecisions Reveals Winners Of The 2018 ROI Awards

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The ROI Awards are designed to honor companies who excel in product development, marketing and sales through the use of SiriusDecisions’ research, frameworks and best practices. This year’s winners include: Cisco for its next-generation, blended approach to the engagement and retention of both partners and customers.Huron Consulting Group for centralizing marketing sales resources, revamping company branding and positioning and developing cross-functional processes.Illumina for creating content which is more accessible, scalable and relevant to its representatives. Imprivata for refocusing the company to target a single market, updating its ABM efforts and implementing SiriusDecisions’ Demand Unit Waterfall; and Vocera for enhancing its solutions and constructing a new marketing campaign to accompany the changes. “In today’s highly competitive market, companies with integrated marketing, sales and product capabilities have a distinct competitive advantage,” said Tony Jaros, President and Chief Product Officer of SiriusDecisions, in a statement. “This year’s ROI Awards winners seized opportunities to unify goals across departments and build programs that consistently achieve those shared objectives through unique implementations of SiriusDecisions’ models and methods.”

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SiriusDecisions Expands Benchmarking Performance Capabilities and Global Coverage

SiriusDecisions | July 10, 2017

SiriusDecisions has expanded its core industry benchmark database, the SiriusIndex™, the only one of its kind in the b-to-b industry, with new metrics across four major categories, including readiness, activity, output and results, and offered its clients unparalleled access to data from their peers with the introduction of its new Command Center™ platform. Now commercially available, it will enable business leaders to drive strategic and tactical changes informed by insights, best-in-class frameworks, readiness and performance metrics, and peer comparisons with the data, and qualitative guidance from SiriusDecisions analysts they know they can trust. With the data to support a variety of decisions from investments and organizational structures, to strategy development and process design, SiriusDecisions’ Command Center™ helps marketing, sales and product leaders realize competitive advantages, ensure smarter allocation of budget and human resources, and respond more nimbly to specific situations and opportunities.“We have made a major investment in data collection, analysis and the reporting engine fueling our client delivery portal called the SiriusDecisions Command Center™, which provides real-time access to more than 750 b-to-b industry metrics at your fingertips,” said Bruce Brien, Chief Technology Officer of SiriusDecisions. “The new platform will empower leaders to move quickly to energize their organizations’ performance and seize opportunities, with wiser organizational investment and resource allocation.”

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Diving into the new SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall

SiriusDecisions | May 30, 2018

SiriusDecisions since around the time when Rich Eldh and John Neeson gave birth to the company. I’ve found their frameworks especially useful in helping focus my teams’ actions and report on the value of our contributions. Perhaps you’ve found the same. For many years, the SiriusDecisions Demand Waterfall has been used as the standard framework for managing demand generation processes. The beauty of the original Demand Waterfall was its clarity and simplicity. Built as a useful guide, it was never meant to become “the law.” Yet over the past few years, many marketers have found themselves ensnared by a rigid, faithful type of application. From helpful leading indicators, we’ve created rigid sets of KPIs that lock us into a way of doing things and shape how we “see” our world. A host of short-sighted KPIs are now constraining our ability to innovate. At worst, they’re locking us into counterproductive behaviors that actually hurt our ROI. I’m talking here about KPIs that drive up volumes even as they drive down quality; about filters that ignore tangible evidence of demand in favor of titles and contacts at accounts that aren’t in the market at all. The newly announced SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall concept contains major insights that could open the door to a new wave of progress. These observations should help keep many of us from going over the falls in a barrel crafted of our own short-sightedness.

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SiriusDecisions Reveals Winners Of The 2018 ROI Awards

SiriusDecisions | March 30, 2018

The ROI Awards are designed to honor companies who excel in product development, marketing and sales through the use of SiriusDecisions’ research, frameworks and best practices. This year’s winners include: Cisco for its next-generation, blended approach to the engagement and retention of both partners and customers.Huron Consulting Group for centralizing marketing sales resources, revamping company branding and positioning and developing cross-functional processes.Illumina for creating content which is more accessible, scalable and relevant to its representatives. Imprivata for refocusing the company to target a single market, updating its ABM efforts and implementing SiriusDecisions’ Demand Unit Waterfall; and Vocera for enhancing its solutions and constructing a new marketing campaign to accompany the changes. “In today’s highly competitive market, companies with integrated marketing, sales and product capabilities have a distinct competitive advantage,” said Tony Jaros, President and Chief Product Officer of SiriusDecisions, in a statement. “This year’s ROI Awards winners seized opportunities to unify goals across departments and build programs that consistently achieve those shared objectives through unique implementations of SiriusDecisions’ models and methods.”

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