IFCO and Waitrose: 20 Years of Supply Chain Excellence

With customers in 37 countries and a pool of 225 million reusable plastic containers (RPCs), IFCO is the leading global provider of reusable packaging systems for fresh food. For the past 20 years, Waitrose has relied on IFCO's products to make fresh food distribution as efficient as possible.



"We are the leading voice in India for the reimagination of Supply Chains in a connected and on-demand business environment. We are here to help our Clients create Supply Chain 2020, a Supply Chain that supports the connected enterprise & the connected consumer, that is on-demand, agile, and efficient. We are here to Unlock Surprising Value through Invention, Innovation, and Integration. We work through our Supply Chain Engineering, Material Handling Automation, and Supply Chain Talent Assurance teams to create outsized value for our Clients. We do this through Integrated Solution Delivery on an Outcome Based Approach that leads to a Win-Win Shared Risk partnership model with our Customers."

Warehousing and Distribution

How to Maximize Efficiency with Supply Chain Planning Systems?

Article | June 27, 2023

Automated supply chain planning maximizes efficiency and helps achieve long-term success by addressing challenges, highlighting the benefits, and offering insights to optimize business performance. Contents 1 Supply Chain Planning System Efficiency Maximization 2 Key Steps of Supply Chain Planning to Boost Efficiency 2.1 Implement Advanced Analytics Tools 2.2 Streamline Communication and Collaboration 2.3 Automate Processes 2.4 Consistency in Performance Improvement 3 Overcoming Major Challenges in the Process to Maximize Efficiency 3.1 Resistance to Change 3.2 Legacy Systems and Siloed Data 3.3 Inadequate Funding 4 Conclusion 1 Supply Chain Planning System Efficiency Maximization To compete and succeed in an ongoing complex and dynamic global market, companies must maximize the efficiency of their supply chain planning systems, which help manage the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers, optimize resources and information to meet customer demands and minimize costs and risks. An adequate supply chain planning system can increase customer satisfaction, profitability, agility, and risk management. Moreover, by reducing costs, increasing productivity, and enhancing responsiveness to market demands, maximizing efficiency can help businesses remain competitive. As a result, businesses can gain a substantial competitive edge and position the organization for long-term success by optimizing their supply chain planning systems. 2 Key Steps of Supply Chain Planning to Boost Efficiency Businesses can significantly boost efficiency in their supply chain planning by implementing advanced analytics tools, streamlining communication and collaboration, automating processes, and ensuring consistency in performance improvement. 2.1 Implement Advanced Analytics Tools Implementing advanced analytics in supply chain planning is key to improve supply chain efficiency. Advanced analytics tools, including demand forecasting, production planning and inventory management, can help organizations leverage large volumes of data to extract insights that enable better decision-making. The insights can be used to optimize production planning, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. In addition, it also enables businesses to detect and respond to supply chain disruptions on operations. 2.2 Streamline Communication and Collaboration Managing and streamlining communication becomes essential for supply chain businesses, as it leads to greater agility and enables pipelines to adapt to changes in organizational structures. Leveraging cloud-based communication platforms, video conferencing, and collaboration tools enable real-time information sharing and collaboration across different teams and stakeholders. By enhancing communication and collaboration, businesses can better align their supply chain objectives, reduce communication gaps, and enhance decision-making. 2.3 Automate Processes The integration of technologies such as order processing, inventory management, and shipment tracking under warehouse automation and logistics automation produces a vast amount of data, making it challenging for businesses to process data manually. To enhance efficiency, automating supply chain planning processes has become essential. Automating the process has eliminated multitasking, including managing goods flow, tracking road progress, and ensuring safe delivery, which was previously required in the manual process. By automating processes, supply chain management can be streamlined, leading to reduced lead times, minimized costs, and improved efficiency. 2.4 Consistency in Performance Improvement Improving the supply chain is not a one-time fix, but a process that must be reviewed and optimized frequently. By implementing technology, businesses can continuously collect and analyze warehouse inventory management performance to identify areas for further efficiency gains and improved order accuracy. In addition, establishing a framework for continuous optimization involves regular performance reviews, feedback mechanisms, and benchmarking against industry best practices to help identify and address inefficiencies. 3 Overcoming Major Challenges in the Process to Maximize Efficiency 3.1 Resistance to Change Supply chain planning systems are hindered by change resistance. Employees may resist change who are comfortable with the status quo and adopt new technologies and processes less often. Organizations need a comprehensive change management plan to address stakeholder engagement, communication, and training. Implementing a change management plan starts with identifying the key stakeholders and involving them in planning to gain their buy-in and support for the changes, implementing the process of the changes using different channels to reach all stakeholders and in addition, developing training programs to prepare employees for the changes and enable them to use new technologies and processes effectively. 3.2 Legacy Systems and Silos Data Data silos and a lack of supply chain visibility are two problems that can arise when legacy systems and data are used. It also adds roadblocks in maximizing efficiency through supply chain planning software. Investing in older systems makes it challenging to gain a comprehensive view of the supply chain and informed decisions making. In addition, the systems are non-compatible with modern technology and data is stored in disconnected systems. With the help of an integrated system, all relevant information can be collected in one place, streamlining monitoring and decision-making. A data governance policy should be implemented to guarantee data quality and uniformity across all platforms. Data management, data storage, data sharing, regular monitoring and reporting on data quality are all essential components of this policy. 3.3 Inadequate Funding Insufficient funding can affect supply chain planning system efficiency; with budget constraints, organizations may struggle to invest in new technologies, hire skilled workers, or improve processes. Thus, the supply chain planning system may become obsolete, increasing costs, lead times, and customer dissatisfaction. To overcome the challenge of inadequate funding in supply chain planning, organizations must prioritize funding and strategically allocate resources by identifying the areas that require the most investment. Exploring alternative funding sources, such as grants and partnerships, can supplement existing funding and enable organizations to invest in vital initiatives that may not have been possible with limited resources. In addition, cost-cutting measures, such as process optimization and automation, can help to stretch existing funds and boost productivity. 4 Conclusion The supply chain planning system will continue to play a critical role in maximizing efficiency to revolutionize the supply chain professionals leverage emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and blockchain; understanding the process, identifying the challenges and overcoming them using the right strategies helps businesses in effective supply chain planning systems, gain a competitive advantage, improve supply chain performance and position themselves for long-term success. Furthermore, adopting a data-driven approach and a culture of continuous improvement in supply chain management planning can help organizations plan according to the future of supply chain and compete in the ever-changing global market.

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Warehousing and Distribution

What’s the Latest on EV Charging Infrastructure in Rural Areas?

Article | July 11, 2023

Contents 1. Accessing The State and Federal Benefits 2. A Learning Portal to Educate Rural Communities On EV Charging 3. The Significance of an Equitably Relevant EV Charging Network Electric Vehicles (EVs) are making waves in cities and are more than just the latest trend in transportation. With the advancement of the EV charging network and its deployment across urban areas, experts are asking what’s next and how this growth can be replicated in rural areas. 1. Accessing State and Federal Benefits Based in Oregon, Forth is an EV research and advocacy group that recently announced a partnership with General Motors to build grant templates that can help rural communities win and access state and federal grant money to build EV charging networks. The templates will be provided free of charge and cover 80% of a complete grant. Geoff Gibson, the senior program manager for Forth, believes this will give rural communities the impetus to seek out the grant money and get over the initial hurdle of framing a grant proposal. 2. A Learning Portal to Educate Rural Communities on EV Charging Forth also announced the slated launch of a learning portal that will address the lack of know-how on deploying a charging program for EVs. The portal will empower communities with not just the knowledge of implementing charging programs but also their significance and long-term impact on the community. The learning portal will tentatively go live in 2023 and will be free for local communities, counties, cities, and states, as well as community organizations. The program will be accessible for a year and could be further extended. According to Steve Lommele from the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, he reiterated the importance of building a national EV charging network. He states that this is the first time a major program has been put in place that covers all 50 states in the U.S., including Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. 3. The Significance of an Equitably Relevant EV Charging Network Deploying EV charging stations in rural areas has to be meaningful for the communities that will be using them. Forth’s Geoff Gibson emphasizes that the needs of the communities need to be given priority when designing the charging network. For instance, DC charging or charging that is publicly accessible should be preferred at trailheads. EVs as part of our transport in the future is inevitable and charging networks and program need to be prioritized to ensure all communities are able to access its benefits equally.

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Warehousing and Distribution

7 Best Practices for Multi-Channel Inventory Management

Article | July 17, 2023

Enhance operational efficiency by implementing industry-approved methods for multi-channel inventory management. Taking a holistic approach to control inventory helps multiple sales channels grow. Multi-channel inventory management is a crucial aspect of the supply chain process that ensures the goods are available to customers through different sales channels. However, with growing penetration of ecommerce technologies and the increasing complexity of supply chain networks, managing inventory across multiple channels has become daunting for businesses. The ability to accurately track inventory levels, ensure stock availability across channels, and optimize fulfillment processes has become critical to achieve success in today's competitive business landscape. Managing inventory across multiple channels require real-time visibility and tracking of inventory levels which further streamlines the complex process. Inaccurate inventory data can lead to stockouts, overstocking, and lost sales, negatively impacting the business's bottom line. To combat these challenges, businesses must implement a robust multi-channel inventory management system to track inventory across all channels, synchronize stock levels, and automate order fulfillment processes. An inventory management system can offer businesses a consolidated view of inventory at various locations, such as warehouses, stores, and even online channels. An organized approach is crucial while managing multi-channel inventory or keeping track of moving inventory. Implementing an effective inventory management procedure, managing multi-channel inventory becomes more streamlined and simplified, as well as provides a comprehensive overview. In addition, as businesses continue to expand their sales channels, multi-channel inventory management has become a vital component of supply chain management. By adopting best practices in multi-channel inventory management, businesses can ensure on-demand access, accurate inventory data, and seamless order fulfilment processes. Additionally, implementing the right procedures will allow organizations to observe an increase in customer satisfaction and experience significant business growth. The article takes an in-depth look at key benefits, potential challenges, procedural considerations, and the significance of multi-channel inventory management. It delves into the impact of this approach on supply chain performance while providing valuable insights into best practices. 1. Centralize Inventory Management Process Centralizing multi-channel inventory helps manage supply chain businesses across various channels and locations. Businesses can gain better visibility and control over their inventory processes by consolidating inventory data. However, centralizing inventory management is not without its challenges. One of the major obstacles faced by organizations is ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data across different locations and channels. Another barrier is integrating various inventory management tools and technologies into a single system. Despite these challenges, centralizing inventory management offers significant benefits, including improved efficiency and reduced costs. In addition, businesses can leverage cloud-based inventory management software and standard operating procedures to centralize and optimize inventory management processes effectively. 2. Adopt Lean Inventory Management Approach The lean inventory management approach is adequate for managing multi-channel inventory in supply chain businesses. This approach involves reducing excess inventory and only stocking items in demand. While implementation of the approach is complex due to the need for accurate demand forecasting and inventory tracking, it offers multiple advantages, such as reduced inventory carrying costs, improved cash flow, and increased customer satisfaction. To implement a lean inventory management approach in the supply chain business, follow these steps: Conduct inventory analysis Categorize items based on value and demand Implement just-in-time (JIT) replenishment Leverage forecasting tools Establish cycle counting and monitoring procedures Strive for continuous process improvement This approach helps businesses achieve better inventory accuracy, increase operational agility, and meet customer demands across multiple channels. 3. Utilize ABC Inventory Analysis ABC inventory analysis is a widely used best practice for multi-channel inventory management in the supply chain. This method categorizes inventory based on its level of importance to the business. ABC inventory analysis categorizes goods into A, B, and C categories based on their impact on overall inventory cost. Category A consists of the most valuable products, category B includes items that fall in between, and category C covers small transactions that are vital for overall profit but have less individual impact. Supply chain businesses can prioritize their resources and make informed decisions by focusing on high-value inventory. However, implementing this method can be challenging, especially when dealing with extensive inventory data. To successfully address challenges associated with implementing ABC inventory analysis for multi-channel inventory management, businesses must focus on accurate data classification, utilization of advanced analytics tools, and fostering effective team collaboration. 4. Optimize Order Management Process Optimizing order management involves automating and streamlining order fulfilment for efficient and accurate processing across sales channels. The process ensures optimal inventory control, minimizes fulfilment time, and enhances customer satisfaction, providing a competitive advantage. Aligning inventory levels with actual demand prevents overstocking and reduces holding costs. Additionally, businesses can efficiently allocate inventory from various sources to fulfil orders, reducing the need for excess storage and transportation. The optimization is achieved by adopting automation, system integration, and data analysis. In addition, comprehensive multi-channel order management system offers multiple benefits, including native e-commerce integrations, flexible order fulfilment options, multi-location inventory management, integrated POS capabilities, data-driven inventory planning, and workflow automation, among others. 5. Integrate Sales Channels Integrating sales channels provides businesses with a unified view of inventory, sales, and customer data, enabling informed decision-making based on real-time information. It helps accurately track products across channels as well as adjust inventory levels based on individual selling rates. The process involves synchronizing channels through a centralized system, ensuring seamless data flow and consistent product information. It includes setting up API integrations, mapping inventory, and conducting thorough testing for smooth order processing. To implement the integration, businesses must utilize technology solutions like inventory management software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Additionally, it establishes clear communication channels among teams managing different sales channels. 6. Set Cross-Channel Metrics Cross-channel metrics measure and analyze each sales channel's performance, including online & offline sales, and identify areas for improvement. To set cross-channel metrics for multi-channel inventory, businesses must identify relevant metrics, establish benchmarks, and regularly monitor and evaluate performance. Implementing cross-channel metrics allows businesses to make data-driven decisions based on actual performance rather than relying on assumptions or incomplete data. In addition, supply chain businesses can leverage technology solutions, such as cloud-based inventory management software, to manage and consolidate their data sources effectively. Enforcing cross-channel metrics in multi-channel inventory management helps overcome several challenges, such as lack of visibility across sales channels, difficulty in identifying slow-moving products, and inefficiencies in resource allocation. 7. Automate Supply chain Automating the supply chain and implementing advanced software systems helps businesses to optimize supply chain processes. Automation reduces manual errors, enhances efficiency, and improves overall productivity. It enables real-time inventory tracking, seamless order processing, and accurate demand forecasting. Businesses can easily overcome manual inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and data discrepancies by automating the supply chain process. The process includes integration of automation tools like inventory management software, order management systems, and warehouse management systems. The systems integrate with sales channels, suppliers, and logistics partners to automate order processing, inventory tracking, and shipment management tasks. Ultimately, businesses achieve better inventory control, faster order fulfilment, and increased customer satisfaction by automating supply chain operations. Final Thoughts As the supply chain market evolves, businesses must adopt innovative approaches for multi-channel inventory management. Incorporating additional sales channels into conventional brick-and-mortar operations presents a valuable opportunity to expand customer reach, boost sales, and enhance the overall customer experience. To effectively implement multi-channel sales and inventory management within a retail organization, acquiring a robust retail management system capable of efficiently monitoring inventory levels and facilitating business growth becomes essential. The adoption of an effective system can assist businesses to ensure seamless inventory control and propel sustained success in the competitive market.

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How does demurrage, detention, and port charges work.?

Article | March 21, 2022

Even though there are distinct differences between demurrage, detention and port charges, many are still oblivious to these differences and there have been several questions on this blog relating to these charges. This article is about how demurrage, detention, and port charges work. International Trade and CostsWhen it comes to international trade, majority of the buyers and sellers use Incoterms to decide what each other’s responsibilities and liabilities are in terms of the business, especially related to costs. Generally, there is very little room to manoeuvre in terms of additional and unbudgeted costs incurred on the shipment and therefore in their own interest it is important that the buyers and sellers take necessary precautions to ensure that all known costs relating to the business are discussed and finalised before the shipment commences. There are many entities involved in the process of shipping a container from Point A to Point B, each with their own cost component, all of which have to be covered either by the seller or the buyer. Demurrage, detention and port charges are just some of these costs that may be applicable in a shipment. While some of the port charges are valid and unavoidable, demurrage, detention and some of the port charges (like port storage, early arrival, late arrival, amendment, shifting etc) are entirely avoidable if everyone in the chain follows the process that they need to follow. What are port charges? Port charges, as the name suggests are a set of charges levied by the port or terminal which the container passes through.In terms of container shipments, port charges may include but not limited to below : Terminal Handling Charge (THC) Is quite simply the charge levied by the port for the loading and discharging of a container from the ship.. THC differs from port to port, terminal to terminal around the world and is charged both by the load port and discharge port.If the cargo is transhipped anywhere along the route, then the transhipment port also charges this THC but that is paid by the shipping line directly to the port and this quantum is usually included in the ocean freight charged by the line. Early Arrival Charge A charge levied by some of the ports/terminals for a container that arrives in the terminal BEFORE the stacks into which it is to be taken has been opened.. Early arrival can happen due to various reasons like a container missed the stacks for the previous vessel narrowly, but since the container is packed, it needs to be taken to the port, The acceptance of containers prior to the stacks/gate open is at the discretion of the Port/Terminal Operator and on the circumstances surrounding the operation of the vessels. Late Arrival Charge A late arrival charge is a charge levied by the port for a container that arrives in the terminal AFTER the stacks into which it is to be taken has been closed.. This could be due to delays in documentation, packing delays, inspection, trucking delays and many other situations.The acceptance of containers after the closing of stacks/gate is at the discretion of the Port/Terminal Operator and on the circumstances surrounding the operation of the vessels and if the containers can be accepted without disrupting the schedule of the vessel and ports. Stuffing/Destuffing of Containers Some ports/terminals allow the stuffing (packing)/de-stuffing (unpacking) of the containers within the port area and charge customers based on the port tariff.This activity may happen at ports that provide CFS services and allow containers to be packed or unpacked in the port or due to some mistakes when the cargo was originally packed – say incompatible hazardous cargoes packed together.Depending on the port/terminal/country, the port charges may be charged directly to the customer (importer or exporter) or to the shipping line, who in turn will charge this to the customer. Of course, this is not the full list of port charges but these charges have been mentioned as it relates to the subject under discussion,Demurrage and DetentionWhile some of these port charges may be unavoidable, demurrage and detention charges on the other hand are avoidable charges, but in a lot of cases due to mishandling, miscommunication, misunderstandings and not following the proper protocols, these charges occur..When they do occur, these charges may create quite a financial impact on the whole business and sometimes these costs could be so prohibitive that some customers abandon their cargoes at the destination due to these costs. Although the most common market practice is to combine demurrage and detention, there are several cases where these are charged separately, and therefore it is important to know the difference between demurrage and detention.

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"We are the leading voice in India for the reimagination of Supply Chains in a connected and on-demand business environment. We are here to help our Clients create Supply Chain 2020, a Supply Chain that supports the connected enterprise & the connected consumer, that is on-demand, agile, and efficient. We are here to Unlock Surprising Value through Invention, Innovation, and Integration. We work through our Supply Chain Engineering, Material Handling Automation, and Supply Chain Talent Assurance teams to create outsized value for our Clients. We do this through Integrated Solution Delivery on an Outcome Based Approach that leads to a Win-Win Shared Risk partnership model with our Customers."

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DHL taps robotics to boost productivity 25%

Supply Chain Dive | January 10, 2019

Package delivery companies tend to build up their workforce numbers during the holiday season to help with the extra demand from e-commerce deliveries. But the industry saw its overall employment numbers decrease during the month of December with a loss of 5,200 jobs, according to Labor Department numbers reported by The Wall Street Journal. UPS and FedEx planned to bring in 100,000 and 55,000 seasonal workers, respectively, in addition to relying on increased automation to help during the busy season. This is a strategy DHL is similarly relying on. Automation, specifically robotics, helps boost productivity, but also means DHL doesn't have to train employees on how to perform the automated processes. And tools like cobots can make a human's job easier, Sureddin said. "It does replace the need for some people, but I would say the bigger piece on this is if it helps you with the peaks and valleys or seasonality of business," he said on the call, adding that no one has lost a job at DHL as a result of robotics though the company doesn't need to hire as many extra employees during the busiest periods.

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Global Packaging Robots Market 2018

Ask a Reporter | December 27, 2018

The report gives a detailed overview of Global “Packaging Robots“ Market 2018 and predicts future market trends throughout the forecast period from 2018 to 2025. Also, the report executes the great study of Price and Gross Margin, Capacity, Production, Revenue, current geographical zones, technology, demand-supply, Consumption, Import, Export, Market Drivers and Opportunities. In this Professional report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, product type, and market end-client applications. This report comprises primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, Professional tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The dominant firms ABB, FANUC, KUKA, Universal Robotics, Yaskawa Motoman, Bosch Rexroth, Comau Robotics, DENSO Robotics area unit to boot mentioned within the report.

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OIA Global Launches Branch Service Center In Chennai, India

OIA GLOBAL | May 06, 2016

OIA Global, a leading logistics, packaging and material sourcing provider, announced an important Southeast Asia expansion with the opening of its new location in Chennai, India.

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DHL taps robotics to boost productivity 25%

Supply Chain Dive | January 10, 2019

Package delivery companies tend to build up their workforce numbers during the holiday season to help with the extra demand from e-commerce deliveries. But the industry saw its overall employment numbers decrease during the month of December with a loss of 5,200 jobs, according to Labor Department numbers reported by The Wall Street Journal. UPS and FedEx planned to bring in 100,000 and 55,000 seasonal workers, respectively, in addition to relying on increased automation to help during the busy season. This is a strategy DHL is similarly relying on. Automation, specifically robotics, helps boost productivity, but also means DHL doesn't have to train employees on how to perform the automated processes. And tools like cobots can make a human's job easier, Sureddin said. "It does replace the need for some people, but I would say the bigger piece on this is if it helps you with the peaks and valleys or seasonality of business," he said on the call, adding that no one has lost a job at DHL as a result of robotics though the company doesn't need to hire as many extra employees during the busiest periods.

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Global Packaging Robots Market 2018

Ask a Reporter | December 27, 2018

The report gives a detailed overview of Global “Packaging Robots“ Market 2018 and predicts future market trends throughout the forecast period from 2018 to 2025. Also, the report executes the great study of Price and Gross Margin, Capacity, Production, Revenue, current geographical zones, technology, demand-supply, Consumption, Import, Export, Market Drivers and Opportunities. In this Professional report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, product type, and market end-client applications. This report comprises primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, Professional tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The dominant firms ABB, FANUC, KUKA, Universal Robotics, Yaskawa Motoman, Bosch Rexroth, Comau Robotics, DENSO Robotics area unit to boot mentioned within the report.

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OIA Global Launches Branch Service Center In Chennai, India

OIA GLOBAL | May 06, 2016

OIA Global, a leading logistics, packaging and material sourcing provider, announced an important Southeast Asia expansion with the opening of its new location in Chennai, India.

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