Procurement and Sourcing, Supply Chain

Supply Chain Threats – Test, Provision, andValidation

April 15, 2022

Supply Chain Threats
Supply Chain security is an area of significant focus and scrutiny today. A number of recent significant attacks against both hardware and software supply chains have further exposed the criticality of understanding the threats posed against manufacturers and providing sufficient mitigations. Understanding and mitigating supply chain threats starts with simply identifying the threats. The purpose of this document is to further expand on prior work and dive into the testing, provisioning, and
validation phases. These phases represent potentially the most significant threat against products as they are often conducted, at least in part, by external organizations. Without an understanding of all the known threats currently present, it would be impossible to make any assertions regarding the overall security of products and their associated supply chain


Arrow Transportation Systems Inc.

For almost 100 years Arrow Transportation has been part of the transportation and distribution landscape in Canada and the United States. We started out in 1919 using horse drawn wagons to haul general freight and have evolved into one of the oldest and most respected transportation and distribution companies in our market sector.

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Four Ways that Technology is Remolding the Digital Supply Chain

whitePaper | December 16, 2019

Supply chains are a prominent cog in delivering what we need in our daily lives. Almost everything around us has passed through various links in the supply chain. Supply chain efficiency is therefore vital to keeping customers happy — and loyal. And the importance of supply chain excellence is hypercritical given the growing demand for more personalized products and services, delivered exactly when and where customers specify, quickly and at exceptionally low cost.

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Sustainability and Compliance in Supply Chains: SCRM Best Practices from Clariant

whitePaper | January 28, 2020

Supply chain risk management has never been more important—especially in industries where regulations are everchanging and sustainability is top of mind. The ability to effectively identify, track and mitigate risk is now becoming a huge competitive advantage for the world’s leading brands. A sufficient level of insight was once nearly impossible for companies to achieve using traditional methods of managing supply chain risk, but as you’ll learn from the example of Clariant, organizations can now successfully integrate technology into the process to better map, assess and mitigate global threats.

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Zero Ready Framework Ensuring shipping can deliver our zero emissions future

whitePaper | November 10, 2022

Shipping faces a critical challenge. The energy transition is well underway and ocean going zero carbon ships must be in service by 2030. The industry is currently focussed on delivering zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by fuelling with renewably sourced ammonia, hydrogen or methanol. But solutions for widespread deployment are not ready yet and ships built today have expected lifetimes of 20-30 years. So, the industry now thinks in terms of ‘readiness’, the ability to ensure that a vessel can use zero carbon fuel once this becomes feasible, either by building new vessels that have this capability from the day they are built, or by ensuring existing vessels can be easily converted.

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Future Transport Strategy

whitePaper | September 30, 2022

We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways on which we build infrastructure, deliver projects and serve Transport’s customers and are grateful to Elders past and present for their continual leadership. Transport acknowledges for tens of thousands of years the continuous deep relationship and connections of Aboriginal people to their land, language, song, dance, art and story. Transport pays respect to those ancestors who defended, walked and managed these lands for many generations before us and who have left a legacy of strong cultural wisdom and knowledge embedded within Country today

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The Future of Digital Supply Chain Twins

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

Many businesses are experiencing an increase in supply chain disruptions reverberating down to the customer. A rapidly growing population adding to the swell of demand, the threat of a looming recession, and complex logistics systems create an incredibly delicate balance. We are facing a pivotal time for the future of supply chains.

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Reusable Packaging for the New Wave of Supply Chain Automation

whitePaper | November 2, 2022

Now more than ever, companies need their supply chains to be flexible, accurate and nimble to increase productivity and drive efficiency. Speed is king with consumers, as the majority have come to expect products to be in their hands at much quicker speeds than ever before.

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Arrow Transportation Systems Inc.

For almost 100 years Arrow Transportation has been part of the transportation and distribution landscape in Canada and the United States. We started out in 1919 using horse drawn wagons to haul general freight and have evolved into one of the oldest and most respected transportation and distribution companies in our market sector.
