The Supply Chain Professional of the Future Will Need These 4 Skills

The supply chain professional of the future will need the types of skills you won’t find online or in a textbook. The Internet is awash with content designed to help business professionals succeed now and help the next generation¹ succeed someday. Google searches will yield a bonanza of advice served up as scholarly articles, celebrity secrets and everything in between. Look beneath the differences in tone and style and you will quickly discover that there’s considerable overlap.


Alaska Railroad

The Alaska Railroad Corporation is a self-sustaining, full-service railroad serving ports and communities from the Gulf of Alaska to Fairbanks. Owned by the State of Alaska since 1985, the Railroad is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor of Alaska. The Alaska Railroad is one of North America’s only railroads providing both passenger and freight service, and one of the last railroads with whistle and flag stop service.

Warehousing and Distribution

Role of Warehouse Management Systems to Drive Productivity & Accuracy

Article | June 16, 2023

Unlock operational efficiency and deliver exceptional customer service with a WMS. Learn how cloud-based WMS improves control, enhances customer service, and prepares businesses to develop & succeed. Contents 1. Importance of Warehouse Management Systems 2. How Warehouse Management Systems Optimize Operations 2.1. Productivity Tracking 2.2. Inventory Control 2.3. Labor Management System 2.4. Slotting 2.5. Batching Logic 3. Essential Warehouse Operations Procedures 3.1. Inbound Logistics Process 3.2. Outbound Logistics Process 5. Conclusion 1. Importance of Warehouse Management Systems A warehouse management system (WMS) is essential for optimizing warehouse operations and delivering exceptional customer service. There are five compelling reasons to consider implementing a WMS. Firstly, it enhances inventory control and management by reducing inventory levels, improving order fulfillment, and increasing accuracy. Secondly, it improves customer service and tracking through improved picking accuracy and automated shipment organization. Thirdly, a WMS boosts company productivity by adding warehouse efficiency and quality control to the fulfillment process. Fourthly, it provides a significant return on investment by improving sales accuracy, reducing errors, providing safe warehouse and simplifying customer support. Lastly, a good WMS integrates seamlessly with existing business management systems and adapts to evolving needs. Additionally, WMS enables businesses to meet compliance regulations through real-time data recording, enhanced business intelligence, and process automation. 2. How Warehouse Management Systems Optimize Operations 2.1. Productivity Tracking Warehouse management systems (WMS) are crucial in optimizing operations by providing comprehensive productivity tracking tools. These systems capture and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) such as order fulfillment rates, picking accuracy, and labor productivity. Organizations can identify bottlenecks, allocate resources effectively, and implement process improvements by tracking these metrics in real-time and generating insightful reports. With WMS productivity tracking, businesses gain a clear understanding of their operational efficiency and can make data-driven decisions to enhance overall performance. 2.2. Inventory Control Efficient inventory control is essential for logistics warehouse management, and WMS solutions excel in this aspect. WMS provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, locations, and movements. Businesses can accurately track stock levels, monitor expiration dates, and implement automated replenishment warehouse processes. With advanced features like cycle counting and stock level alerts, WMS ensures inventory accuracy and reduces carrying costs. By optimizing inventory control, businesses can avoid stockouts, minimize excess stock, and improve order fulfillment rates, enhancing customer satisfaction. 2.3. Labor Management System WMS incorporates a robust labor management system that enables businesses to allocate and manage their workforce effectively. These systems provide tools for labor planning, task allocation, and performance tracking. WMS optimizes labor allocation by assigning tasks based on employee skills, availability, and workload. By monitoring labor productivity and efficiency, businesses can identify opportunities for improvement and implement training programs to enhance employee performance. With WMS labor management capabilities, organizations optimize labor costs, minimize overtime, and improve overall operational efficiency. 2.4. Slotting Strategic slotting is a critical component of warehouse optimization, and WMS offers advanced slotting capabilities. By analyzing data on product demand, turnover rates, and order frequency, WMS determines the optimal locations for different products within the warehouse. Efficient slotting reduces travel time, minimizes congestion, and streamlines order picking. WMS enables businesses to assign appropriate storage locations based on product size, weight, and velocity. By optimizing slotting strategies, organizations can significantly enhance picking efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall warehouse productivity. 2.5. Batching Logic Batching logic is a key feature of WMS that enhances order-picking efficiency. WMS intelligently groups multiple orders with similar product requirements, locations, or delivery routes. By consolidating these orders into batches, the system enables batch picking, where a picker can fulfill multiple orders in a single trip through the warehouse. Batching logic reduces travel time, minimizes labor costs, and increases order picking speed. By maximizing picking efficiency, businesses can improve order fulfillment rates, reduce order cycle time, and meet customer expectations effectively. 3. Essential Warehouse Operations Procedures A robust distribution center network serves as the backbone of operations, transforming raw materials into finished products and ensuring their timely delivery to customers. To gain a comprehensive view of logistics network and improve supply chain visibility, it's crucial to understand the distinction between inbound and outbound logistics. 3.1. Inbound Logistics Process Inbound logistics encompasses the services required to bring materials and goods into businesses. This includes transportation, storage, and delivery processes. With the help of warehouse management systems (WMS), purchasing can be streamlined by synchronizing vendor details and inventory control levels. WMS allows efficient receipt scanning and guides warehouse staff to shelve items accurately. It also recommends optimal put-away, slotting, and storage space utilization techniques. Additionally, WMS facilitates reverse logistics by providing real-time information on product availability, enabling timely restocking and preventing stockouts. 3.2. Outbound Logistics Process Outbound logistics focuses on the storage, transportation, and delivery systems that ensures finished products reach their final destination. WMS plays a vital role in this process as well. It enables accurate order picking through barcode or RFID scanners, reducing errors and ensuring the right products are chosen. Warehouse management processes integrated with WMS can automate product packaging, allowing for differentiation across sizes and optimizing packaging channels. Moreover, WMS simplifies printing shipping labels, price tags, logos, and other necessary documentation, eliminating manual data input and reducing human errors. WMS enhances the overall customer experience and minimizes fulfillment errors by ensuring timely delivery and notifying customers. 4. Implementing Cloud Warehouse Management Systems to improve productivity Using a cloud-based warehouse management system offers several advantages for businesses looking to optimize their inventory control and streamline operations in complex distribution environments. Cloud supply chain management solutions provide benefits like multi-warehouse tracking, sales forecasting, and on-time delivery. Here are three key benefits of implementing a cloud WMS: Increased control over business growth: Cloud-based WMS provides real-time visibility into inventory, allowing businesses to manage operations and make informed decisions efficiently. With automatic updates and centralized access, stakeholders can access relevant information anytime, enabling better control over business growth and flexibility to adapt to changing market demands. Improved customer service: A cloud WMS empowers teams to track shipments, update arrival dates, and effectively manage the supply chain. It enables seamless communication and collaboration across the organization, ensuring timely deliveries and enhancing customer satisfaction. Efficiently conveying information leads to better customer service and a competitive edge. Preparedness for upcoming changes: Cloud WMS offers an affordable and scalable warehousing solution. With cloud computing, businesses can easily adjust resources to meet fluctuating demands and seasonal changes. The ‘self-service’ access to WMS applications in the cloud allows for increased agility and quick adaptation to evolving business needs. Unlike traditional self-hosted systems, cloud WMS eliminates the need for upfront hardware investments and provides seamless scalability. 5. Conclusion In the rapidly evolving business landscape, a warehouse management system (WMS) holds immense importance for organizations aiming to optimize their operations. As we look to the future, the role of WMS becomes even more crucial. With advancements in technology and the advent of new platforms, a cloud-based WMS offers unparalleled integration possibilities. By harnessing the power of cloud supply chain planning systems, businesses can gain better control over their inventory and navigate the complexities of modern distribution environments. The benefits are significant: increased control over business growth, improved customer service through real-time tracking, and preparedness for upcoming changes. By embracing cloud, WMS empowers businesses to stay agile, enhance productivity, and drive sustainable success in the dynamic business landscape of the future.

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Warehousing and Distribution

Purchasing vs. Supply Chain Management software

Article | July 17, 2023

Purchasing software and supply chain management software are often mistaken for one another, but both have distinct functionalities. While purchasing software automates the procurement process, supply chain management software executes logistical transactions and manages supplier relationships. This report identifies the similarities and differences between the two software categories to help you understand which one is better suited to your needs. What is purchasing software? Purchasing software is an online tool that allows businesses to automate the process of procuring goods and services. It includes security compliance and reporting features. Purchasing solutions offer integrated tools for invoice approval, inventory control, asset management, customer service, and work order management. They help manage contracts, analyze spending, track sales deliveries, and monitor inventory levels. They also assist in identifying bottlenecks in the purchase process, such as functions that have high expenditure. Purchasing software offers invoice processing capabilities as well. Procurement professionals and accounting teams can use the tool to generate invoices, track invoice status, and monitor expenses via detailed reports. What is supply chain management software? Supply chain management software is a software platform that allows supply chain managers to automate the entire supply chain process—from acquiring raw materials to delivering the finished goods to consumers. The software provides tools for monitoring stock levels, including raw materials, and predicting future requirements based on the current inflow and outflow of inventory. Supply chain management tools manage material handling, order fulfillment, and information tracking for stakeholders such as manufacturers, suppliers, and transport and logistics providers. They also track the returns of damaged goods, process refunds and insurance claims, and provide planning and forecasting tools for supply chain professionals. What do they have in common? Purchasing is a crucial component of supply chain management. Together, these processes significantly contribute to an organization’s procurement cycle. Despite the functionality differences, both the software categories have a few features in common, including supplier management, order management, and forecasting. Which tool is right for you? The answer to this question depends on your use case. If you’re looking for a tool that majorly focuses on acquiring supplies, opt for a purchasing software solution, as it will help you streamline the procurement cycle, maintain purchase order accuracy, and monitor supplier activities. However, if you wish to manage your entire supply chain operations, including supplier, transportation, warehouse, and inventory management, then investing in a supply chain software solution would be the right choice.

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Warehousing and Distribution

Supply Chain Peak Season Technology: Are Your Systems Updated & Ready?

Article | July 11, 2023

Supply chain peak season technology aids supply chain leaders in understanding their operations, unlocking insights, reviewing performance, and much more. In conjunction with the rise of e-commerce and ongoing demand for more products, faster service, and better supply chain performance, the entire year begins to take on the characteristics of supply chain peak season which traditionally has occurred during the time period after Labor Day through returns season in January.

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Supply Chain

How to Maximize Efficiency with Supply Chain Planning Systems?

Article | April 26, 2023

Automated supply chain planning maximizes efficiency and helps achieve long-term success by addressing challenges, highlighting the benefits, and offering insights to optimize business performance. Contents 1 Supply Chain Planning System Efficiency Maximization 2 Key Steps of Supply Chain Planning to Boost Efficiency 2.1 Implement Advanced Analytics Tools 2.2 Streamline Communication and Collaboration 2.3 Automate Processes 2.4 Consistency in Performance Improvement 3 Overcoming Major Challenges in the Process to Maximize Efficiency 3.1 Resistance to Change 3.2 Legacy Systems and Siloed Data 3.3 Inadequate Funding 4 Conclusion 1 Supply Chain Planning System Efficiency Maximization To compete and succeed in an ongoing complex and dynamic global market, companies must maximize the efficiency of their supply chain planning systems, which help manage the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers, optimize resources and information to meet customer demands and minimize costs and risks. An adequate supply chain planning system can increase customer satisfaction, profitability, agility, and risk management. Moreover, by reducing costs, increasing productivity, and enhancing responsiveness to market demands, maximizing efficiency can help businesses remain competitive. As a result, businesses can gain a substantial competitive edge and position the organization for long-term success by optimizing their supply chain planning systems. 2 Key Steps of Supply Chain Planning to Boost Efficiency Businesses can significantly boost efficiency in their supply chain planning by implementing advanced analytics tools, streamlining communication and collaboration, automating processes, and ensuring consistency in performance improvement. 2.1 Implement Advanced Analytics Tools Implementing advanced analytics in supply chain planning is key to improve supply chain efficiency. Advanced analytics tools, including demand forecasting, production planning and inventory management, can help organizations leverage large volumes of data to extract insights that enable better decision-making. The insights can be used to optimize production planning, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. In addition, it also enables businesses to detect and respond to supply chain disruptions on operations. 2.2 Streamline Communication and Collaboration Managing and streamlining communication becomes essential for supply chain businesses, as it leads to greater agility and enables pipelines to adapt to changes in organizational structures. Leveraging cloud-based communication platforms, video conferencing, and collaboration tools enable real-time information sharing and collaboration across different teams and stakeholders. By enhancing communication and collaboration, businesses can better align their supply chain objectives, reduce communication gaps, and enhance decision-making. 2.3 Automate Processes The integration of technologies such as order processing, inventory management, and shipment tracking under warehouse automation and logistics automation produces a vast amount of data, making it challenging for businesses to process data manually. To enhance efficiency, automating supply chain planning processes has become essential. Automating the process has eliminated multitasking, including managing goods flow, tracking road progress, and ensuring safe delivery, which was previously required in the manual process. By automating processes, supply chain management can be streamlined, leading to reduced lead times, minimized costs, and improved efficiency. 2.4 Consistency in Performance Improvement Improving the supply chain is not a one-time fix, but a process that must be reviewed and optimized frequently. By implementing technology, businesses can continuously collect and analyze warehouse inventory management performance to identify areas for further efficiency gains and improved order accuracy. In addition, establishing a framework for continuous optimization involves regular performance reviews, feedback mechanisms, and benchmarking against industry best practices to help identify and address inefficiencies. 3 Overcoming Major Challenges in the Process to Maximize Efficiency 3.1 Resistance to Change Supply chain planning systems are hindered by change resistance. Employees may resist change who are comfortable with the status quo and adopt new technologies and processes less often. Organizations need a comprehensive change management plan to address stakeholder engagement, communication, and training. Implementing a change management plan starts with identifying the key stakeholders and involving them in planning to gain their buy-in and support for the changes, implementing the process of the changes using different channels to reach all stakeholders and in addition, developing training programs to prepare employees for the changes and enable them to use new technologies and processes effectively. 3.2 Legacy Systems and Silos Data Data silos and a lack of supply chain visibility are two problems that can arise when legacy systems and data are used. It also adds roadblocks in maximizing efficiency through supply chain planning software. Investing in older systems makes it challenging to gain a comprehensive view of the supply chain and informed decisions making. In addition, the systems are non-compatible with modern technology and data is stored in disconnected systems. With the help of an integrated system, all relevant information can be collected in one place, streamlining monitoring and decision-making. A data governance policy should be implemented to guarantee data quality and uniformity across all platforms. Data management, data storage, data sharing, regular monitoring and reporting on data quality are all essential components of this policy. 3.3 Inadequate Funding Insufficient funding can affect supply chain planning system efficiency; with budget constraints, organizations may struggle to invest in new technologies, hire skilled workers, or improve processes. Thus, the supply chain planning system may become obsolete, increasing costs, lead times, and customer dissatisfaction. To overcome the challenge of inadequate funding in supply chain planning, organizations must prioritize funding and strategically allocate resources by identifying the areas that require the most investment. Exploring alternative funding sources, such as grants and partnerships, can supplement existing funding and enable organizations to invest in vital initiatives that may not have been possible with limited resources. In addition, cost-cutting measures, such as process optimization and automation, can help to stretch existing funds and boost productivity. 4 Conclusion The supply chain planning system will continue to play a critical role in maximizing efficiency to revolutionize the supply chain professionals leverage emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and blockchain; understanding the process, identifying the challenges and overcoming them using the right strategies helps businesses in effective supply chain planning systems, gain a competitive advantage, improve supply chain performance and position themselves for long-term success. Furthermore, adopting a data-driven approach and a culture of continuous improvement in supply chain management planning can help organizations plan according to the future of supply chain and compete in the ever-changing global market.

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Alaska Railroad

The Alaska Railroad Corporation is a self-sustaining, full-service railroad serving ports and communities from the Gulf of Alaska to Fairbanks. Owned by the State of Alaska since 1985, the Railroad is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor of Alaska. The Alaska Railroad is one of North America’s only railroads providing both passenger and freight service, and one of the last railroads with whistle and flag stop service.

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Logistics, Supply Chain, Transportation

AIT Worldwide Logistics Acquires Global Transport Solutions Group

Business Wire | February 05, 2024

AIT Worldwide Logistics, one of the world’s leaders in global supply chain solutions, has acquired Global Transport Solutions Group (GTS), a prominent international freight forwarder specializing in time-critical marine spare parts logistics. Headquartered in the Netherlands, GTS and its more than 600 teammates across 16 locations in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America, serve over 2,000 ports around the world. The GTS network also includes nine consolidation hubs totaling more than 45,000 square meters of warehouse space. AIT Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Vaughn Moore, said, “I’d like to welcome our new GTS teammates to the global AIT network. This is the largest acquisition in our company’s history and GTS’ marine spare parts business is an excellent complement to AIT’s time-critical supply chain solutions.” The company’s business is divided into two sub-brands: Marinetrans (founded in 1991), excelling in “door-to-deck” spare parts logistics for ship owners and managers, and Best Global Logistics (founded in 2007), providing time-critical solutions and general forwarding for other industries, including life sciences shippers. According to AIT’s Chief Business Officer, Greg Weigel, the acquisition provides the company with new geographic presence in Greece, Japan and the Nordic region while adding significant capacity and subject matter expertise to existing AIT networks in China, the Netherlands and Singapore. The deal also provides a strong foundation to expand GTS’ world-class marine spare parts solutions via AIT’s expansive global freight network. “The acquisition of GTS creates an incredible portfolio of solutions serving the maritime industry with delivery of time-critical spare parts across all geographies. This is a perfect complement to AIT’s vertical strategies focused on expedited mission-critical services like our Critical Solutions Group, government and AOG team, and Life Sciences Division,” Weigel said. “We plan to rapidly invest and expand GTS’ North American operations by capitalizing on AIT’s robust salesforce in the United States and offering maritime customers a world-class spare parts logistics solution in every port.” AIT President and Chief Operating Officer, Keith Tholan, noted that the GTS core values – customer first, operational excellence, and partnership and collaboration – closely mirror AIT’s core values. “We are delighted to welcome GTS teammates to AIT,” Tholan said. “Their deep marine logistics expertise and three decades of proven on-time performance in a very demanding segment will complement the diverse solutions we offer across our vertical sector strategy. We also expect our best-in-class global air freight procurement will instantly benefit their time-critical operations.” According to GTS co-CEO John Burgstra, the acquisition is an opportunity for GTS to further expand their worldwide operations. “We aim to provide our clients an unrivaled experience when it comes to global visibility, transparency and on-time performance, fully unburdening them of the required logistical handling of their vessels’ spare parts,” he said. “We are excited about becoming part of a larger group and the global development opportunities this acquisition will provide for our teammates.” “Because of the highly fragmented and international nature of our clients’ requirements, they need a trusted partner with a vetted and effective global network,” added GTS co-CEO Vegard Prytz. “GTS will gain enormous benefits from leveraging the global AIT infrastructure, creating an even more integrated and seamless solution for clients around the world.”

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Logistics, Operations, Supply Chain

Metro Supply Chain Acquires SCI Group

PR Newswire | January 10, 2024

Metro Supply Chain Inc. ("Metro Supply Chain"), a strategic supply chain solutions partner to some of the world's fastest growing and most reputable organizations, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire SCI Group Inc. ("SCI"), a leading Canadian third-party logistics (3PL) company, from Canada Post Corporation ("Canada Post") and Purolator Holdings Ltd. This transformational transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of regulatory approvals. "We are thrilled about the prospect of acquiring SCI," said Chiko Nanji, Metro Supply Chain Founder and Group Chairman. "There is an excellent strategic fit between SCI and our existing operations and culture, and we are excited about the future as a combined entity. This acquisition will strengthen our position as a true champion in strategic contract logistics services." The combined entity, with deep Canadian roots and a shared focus on customers, will be ideally positioned to compete in the global supply chain sector. "The strategic alignment between Metro Supply Chain and SCI is strong. We look forward to leveraging our complementary strengths and shared emphasis on operational excellence to generate growth for clients in multiple sectors, including technology and healthcare, and expand our e–commerce offering," said Metro Supply Chain President and Chief Executive Officer Chris Fenton. "The addition of SCI to the Metro Supply Chain group will offer opportunities to enhance our expansion efforts south of the border." Headquartered in Québec, with significant regional support offices in the Greater Toronto Area and operations across Canada, the United States and United Kingdom, the combined entity will create a diversified supply chain solutions provider. Metro Supply Chain is highly engaged and committed to its people and the communities in which it operates. It is mindful of its social, economic and environmental impact and seeks ways to work more sustainably and create a positive impact on the planet, customers, teams and communities. Chris Galindo, President and CEO of SCI, will remain with the combined entity, ensuring the continuity of SCI's commitment to excellence. "There is a strong strategic alignment between Metro Supply Chain and SCI, from our strong people–first cultures to our focus on innovation, best-in-class systems, and contractual business models and complementary technology, client and vertical mix," explained Galindo. Metro Supply Chain is grateful to its existing and new financial partners, LDC Logistics Holdings Inc., CDPQ, Investissement Québec, and the National Bank of Canada, for their support in this transaction and the future growth of the combined entity. "With this 10th acquisition by Metro Supply Chain since it began working with CDPQ in 2018, the company is actively pursuing its strategic development plan," said Kim Thomassin, Executive Vice-President and Head of Québec at CDPQ. "We are proud to support the company in its efforts to strengthen its position as a Canadian leader, accelerate growth projects and expand activities, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom." To support its global strategic vision, Metro Supply Chain has concluded an agreement with the Government of Québec through Investissement Québec, for an investment by way of a private placement in Metro Supply Chain. "To ensure the economic and sustainable development of Québec, it is essential that we be able to rely on Québec companies and robust supply chains. With this investment in Metro Supply Chain, we are helping a Québec company to become an international leader in the logistics sector," stated Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region. "This transaction aligns with Investissement Québec's mission to create a logistics champion and support its geographic expansion outside Québec. Metro Supply Chain is setting an example by making a significant investment to improve its productivity by automating its warehouses. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of supply chains, which are an essential link in the Québec economy," said Guy LeBlanc, President and CEO of Investissement Québec. "Metro Supply Chain welcomes Investissement Québec as one of its new strategic partners and is very pleased to be able to count on the continued support of LDC Logistics Holdings Inc., CDPQ, the National Bank of Canada, as we pursue our global growth ambitions," stated Metro Supply Chain CFO Mathieu Descheneaux. "This strategic investment enables us to acquire high–quality companies like SCI to expand the range and depth of supply chain solutions we can offer." Together, Metro Supply Chain and SCI anticipate a bright future, delivering innovative supply chain solutions that meet the most challenging needs of their customers.

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Freight, Supply Chain

Kuehne+Nagel pioneers carbon insetting for electric trucks to accelerate fleet electrification

Kuehne+Nagel | January 08, 2024

The new year starts with electrifying news as Kuehne+Nagel announces its Book & Claim insetting solution for electric vehicles. This makes Kuehne+Nagel the first logistics service provider to launch this solution, which previously was limited to low-emission fuels. Implementing decarbonisation solutions and helping customers achieve their sustainability goals is a key component of Kuehne+Nagel’s Roadmap 2026 Living ESG cornerstone. Developing Book & Claim insetting solutions for road freight was a strategic priority for Kuehne+Nagel. Last October, it launched an insetting solution for HVO—now followed by electric vehicles. The first-of-its-kind solution has been tested and validated in cooperation with leading external stakeholders. Customers who use Kuehne+Nagel’s road transport services can now ‘claim’ the carbon reductions of electric trucks when it is not possible to physically move their goods on these vehicles. Reasons for that could be insufficient charging infrastructure or a limited driving range and payload. The solution helps to bridge those challenges which today still limit the deployment of electric trucks. “We see battery-Electric Vehicles (BEVs) as the future to reduce emissions in road freight. Carbon insetting supports the scale-up of low-emission solutions like BEVs and helps to reduce the premium that customers pay for these solutions, thereby supporting the decarbonisation of road transport,” says Hansjörg Rodi, Member of the Management Board at Kuehne+Nagel International AG, responsible for Road Logistics. For now, only Kuehne+Nagel’s owned BEVs are part of the Book & Claim offer to keep full control and transparency over the accuracy of the data that is used in the calculations. However, the team aims to expand the solution to BEVs operated by its partners so that it can support them in their fleet electrification journeys too. “Purchasing electric trucks can be a heavy financial burden, especially for smaller carriers. Including carriers in our solution requires further complex developments in the accounting methodology, but it would help them to finance their transition. This is our next priority,” concludes Rodi.

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Logistics, Supply Chain, Transportation

AIT Worldwide Logistics Acquires Global Transport Solutions Group

Business Wire | February 05, 2024

AIT Worldwide Logistics, one of the world’s leaders in global supply chain solutions, has acquired Global Transport Solutions Group (GTS), a prominent international freight forwarder specializing in time-critical marine spare parts logistics. Headquartered in the Netherlands, GTS and its more than 600 teammates across 16 locations in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America, serve over 2,000 ports around the world. The GTS network also includes nine consolidation hubs totaling more than 45,000 square meters of warehouse space. AIT Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Vaughn Moore, said, “I’d like to welcome our new GTS teammates to the global AIT network. This is the largest acquisition in our company’s history and GTS’ marine spare parts business is an excellent complement to AIT’s time-critical supply chain solutions.” The company’s business is divided into two sub-brands: Marinetrans (founded in 1991), excelling in “door-to-deck” spare parts logistics for ship owners and managers, and Best Global Logistics (founded in 2007), providing time-critical solutions and general forwarding for other industries, including life sciences shippers. According to AIT’s Chief Business Officer, Greg Weigel, the acquisition provides the company with new geographic presence in Greece, Japan and the Nordic region while adding significant capacity and subject matter expertise to existing AIT networks in China, the Netherlands and Singapore. The deal also provides a strong foundation to expand GTS’ world-class marine spare parts solutions via AIT’s expansive global freight network. “The acquisition of GTS creates an incredible portfolio of solutions serving the maritime industry with delivery of time-critical spare parts across all geographies. This is a perfect complement to AIT’s vertical strategies focused on expedited mission-critical services like our Critical Solutions Group, government and AOG team, and Life Sciences Division,” Weigel said. “We plan to rapidly invest and expand GTS’ North American operations by capitalizing on AIT’s robust salesforce in the United States and offering maritime customers a world-class spare parts logistics solution in every port.” AIT President and Chief Operating Officer, Keith Tholan, noted that the GTS core values – customer first, operational excellence, and partnership and collaboration – closely mirror AIT’s core values. “We are delighted to welcome GTS teammates to AIT,” Tholan said. “Their deep marine logistics expertise and three decades of proven on-time performance in a very demanding segment will complement the diverse solutions we offer across our vertical sector strategy. We also expect our best-in-class global air freight procurement will instantly benefit their time-critical operations.” According to GTS co-CEO John Burgstra, the acquisition is an opportunity for GTS to further expand their worldwide operations. “We aim to provide our clients an unrivaled experience when it comes to global visibility, transparency and on-time performance, fully unburdening them of the required logistical handling of their vessels’ spare parts,” he said. “We are excited about becoming part of a larger group and the global development opportunities this acquisition will provide for our teammates.” “Because of the highly fragmented and international nature of our clients’ requirements, they need a trusted partner with a vetted and effective global network,” added GTS co-CEO Vegard Prytz. “GTS will gain enormous benefits from leveraging the global AIT infrastructure, creating an even more integrated and seamless solution for clients around the world.”

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Logistics, Operations, Supply Chain

Metro Supply Chain Acquires SCI Group

PR Newswire | January 10, 2024

Metro Supply Chain Inc. ("Metro Supply Chain"), a strategic supply chain solutions partner to some of the world's fastest growing and most reputable organizations, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to acquire SCI Group Inc. ("SCI"), a leading Canadian third-party logistics (3PL) company, from Canada Post Corporation ("Canada Post") and Purolator Holdings Ltd. This transformational transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of regulatory approvals. "We are thrilled about the prospect of acquiring SCI," said Chiko Nanji, Metro Supply Chain Founder and Group Chairman. "There is an excellent strategic fit between SCI and our existing operations and culture, and we are excited about the future as a combined entity. This acquisition will strengthen our position as a true champion in strategic contract logistics services." The combined entity, with deep Canadian roots and a shared focus on customers, will be ideally positioned to compete in the global supply chain sector. "The strategic alignment between Metro Supply Chain and SCI is strong. We look forward to leveraging our complementary strengths and shared emphasis on operational excellence to generate growth for clients in multiple sectors, including technology and healthcare, and expand our e–commerce offering," said Metro Supply Chain President and Chief Executive Officer Chris Fenton. "The addition of SCI to the Metro Supply Chain group will offer opportunities to enhance our expansion efforts south of the border." Headquartered in Québec, with significant regional support offices in the Greater Toronto Area and operations across Canada, the United States and United Kingdom, the combined entity will create a diversified supply chain solutions provider. Metro Supply Chain is highly engaged and committed to its people and the communities in which it operates. It is mindful of its social, economic and environmental impact and seeks ways to work more sustainably and create a positive impact on the planet, customers, teams and communities. Chris Galindo, President and CEO of SCI, will remain with the combined entity, ensuring the continuity of SCI's commitment to excellence. "There is a strong strategic alignment between Metro Supply Chain and SCI, from our strong people–first cultures to our focus on innovation, best-in-class systems, and contractual business models and complementary technology, client and vertical mix," explained Galindo. Metro Supply Chain is grateful to its existing and new financial partners, LDC Logistics Holdings Inc., CDPQ, Investissement Québec, and the National Bank of Canada, for their support in this transaction and the future growth of the combined entity. "With this 10th acquisition by Metro Supply Chain since it began working with CDPQ in 2018, the company is actively pursuing its strategic development plan," said Kim Thomassin, Executive Vice-President and Head of Québec at CDPQ. "We are proud to support the company in its efforts to strengthen its position as a Canadian leader, accelerate growth projects and expand activities, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom." To support its global strategic vision, Metro Supply Chain has concluded an agreement with the Government of Québec through Investissement Québec, for an investment by way of a private placement in Metro Supply Chain. "To ensure the economic and sustainable development of Québec, it is essential that we be able to rely on Québec companies and robust supply chains. With this investment in Metro Supply Chain, we are helping a Québec company to become an international leader in the logistics sector," stated Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region. "This transaction aligns with Investissement Québec's mission to create a logistics champion and support its geographic expansion outside Québec. Metro Supply Chain is setting an example by making a significant investment to improve its productivity by automating its warehouses. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of supply chains, which are an essential link in the Québec economy," said Guy LeBlanc, President and CEO of Investissement Québec. "Metro Supply Chain welcomes Investissement Québec as one of its new strategic partners and is very pleased to be able to count on the continued support of LDC Logistics Holdings Inc., CDPQ, the National Bank of Canada, as we pursue our global growth ambitions," stated Metro Supply Chain CFO Mathieu Descheneaux. "This strategic investment enables us to acquire high–quality companies like SCI to expand the range and depth of supply chain solutions we can offer." Together, Metro Supply Chain and SCI anticipate a bright future, delivering innovative supply chain solutions that meet the most challenging needs of their customers.

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Freight, Supply Chain

Kuehne+Nagel pioneers carbon insetting for electric trucks to accelerate fleet electrification

Kuehne+Nagel | January 08, 2024

The new year starts with electrifying news as Kuehne+Nagel announces its Book & Claim insetting solution for electric vehicles. This makes Kuehne+Nagel the first logistics service provider to launch this solution, which previously was limited to low-emission fuels. Implementing decarbonisation solutions and helping customers achieve their sustainability goals is a key component of Kuehne+Nagel’s Roadmap 2026 Living ESG cornerstone. Developing Book & Claim insetting solutions for road freight was a strategic priority for Kuehne+Nagel. Last October, it launched an insetting solution for HVO—now followed by electric vehicles. The first-of-its-kind solution has been tested and validated in cooperation with leading external stakeholders. Customers who use Kuehne+Nagel’s road transport services can now ‘claim’ the carbon reductions of electric trucks when it is not possible to physically move their goods on these vehicles. Reasons for that could be insufficient charging infrastructure or a limited driving range and payload. The solution helps to bridge those challenges which today still limit the deployment of electric trucks. “We see battery-Electric Vehicles (BEVs) as the future to reduce emissions in road freight. Carbon insetting supports the scale-up of low-emission solutions like BEVs and helps to reduce the premium that customers pay for these solutions, thereby supporting the decarbonisation of road transport,” says Hansjörg Rodi, Member of the Management Board at Kuehne+Nagel International AG, responsible for Road Logistics. For now, only Kuehne+Nagel’s owned BEVs are part of the Book & Claim offer to keep full control and transparency over the accuracy of the data that is used in the calculations. However, the team aims to expand the solution to BEVs operated by its partners so that it can support them in their fleet electrification journeys too. “Purchasing electric trucks can be a heavy financial burden, especially for smaller carriers. Including carriers in our solution requires further complex developments in the accounting methodology, but it would help them to finance their transition. This is our next priority,” concludes Rodi.

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