Logistics: the logical next step

The emergence of logistics across Europe Big data application in market analysis UK logistics in a post-Brexit world
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Mobile Communications in Trucking: From Luxury to Necessity

Fleet Owner

In freight transportation, smart phones and tablets are not just commonplace but inevitable. For both drivers on the road and managers in the office, you’re not likely to see such a person without one, the other or both.Join Fleet Owner, to learn about the essential nature of mobile communications for drivers and fleet managers.For drivers the appeal is easy. They can use phones and tablets to keep in touch with people at home and, with the same device, help make their professional lives more efficient with the swarm of applications now available.
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Shine a light on your supply chain blind spots

Supply chains are complex by nature. Global, multi-modal, time-critical, and relying on numerous participants to work in harmony. However, even within harmonious networks blind spots exits. These visibility gaps, generate mistrust, encourage information silos, and obstruct cross functional cooperation. The subsequent inefficiencies cost companies’ money, time, and reputation.
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Smarter supply chain management using AI

For sustainable competitive advantage in an uncertain world disrupted by COVID-19, businesses need to have a supply chain that is smart as well as agile. At Nagarro, we see supply chain optimization as a series of decisions that impact upstream and downstream processes. Data-driven approaches leveraging AI can enable organizations to take these decisions effectively and account for uncertainties in multiple areas such as supplier management, demand forecasting, reverse logistics, and order management.
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Leveraging 3PLs for Future Shipper Gains

Logistics Management

The inexorable force of digitization is reshaping the 3PL marketplace, with new alliances and partnerships reflecting that trend as never before. Warehousing and freight brokerages, meanwhile, are sectors of constant reinvention. Armstrong & Associates research indicates that one other ongoing development is also a game changer: global trade tensions and disruptions. "We are going to be taking a long view on how trade agreements will play out, and what their impact will have on logistics managers with their planning and forecasting budgets," says Evan Armstrong, president of Armstrong & Associates.
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