2019 Trucking Legal Forum

Forum topics are specifically tailored to address the trucking industry’s most critical legal issues and its presenters are industry experts and experienced practitioners. Sessions cover compliance, litigation, employment, and business law strategies aimed at reducing and avoiding risk both in and out of court.



Supply Chain Summit

April 21-23, 2024 | USA

We ‘re proud to work with the best in the business. By learning about your projects up front, we match you for 1-on-1 meetings with those best-suited to tackle the challenge.more challenging as network complexity, demand volatility, and supply disruptions show no signs of improvement. Now more than ever, supply chain planning leaders are expected to drive sharper visibility, faster decision-making, and more sustainable business outcomes.

Leaders in Logistics Summit 2023

March 12-13, 2024 | Spain

Leaders in Logistics Summit 2023 brought together senior leaders and innovators from across the international carrier, postal operator and retail logistics ecosystem to identify future trends, share best practice and forge game-changing partnerships.

World Conference on Transport Research

November 22, 2023 | USA

The central aim of the is to share knowledge and to enlighten about novel advancements, anticipate problems in the field of Business Management and Social Innovation from Emeritus Professors, Eminent Scientists, Faculties like Directors, Senior Professors / Assistant Professors / Associate Professor, Experts in the field of Business Management and Social Innovation, Research Scholars, Industrial Delegates and Student Communities in the relevant fields.


February 25-28, 2024 | USA

RILA’s conference(s) provide a unique opportunity to network with my peers while also hearing the latest, best-in-industry practices in supply chain. I recommend LINK to those looking for a learning and networking opportunity in retail supply chain next year.